Wonder Among all the wayEnglish books I’ve ever read, Wonder is definitely the easiest ...
Wonder Among all the wayEnglish books I’ve ever read, Wonder is definitely the easiest ...
The book is quite different from the movie (at least for the part I have read). At firs...
Already finished this book! I think the most impressive story is Chapter 4–“sugar cooki...
I have to admit that those difficult tasks described in this book remind me of my past ...
Honestly, I haven’t finished Chapter 2. But I need to hand in my assignment. Compared w...
Honestly, I haven’t finished Chapter 2. But I need to hand in my assignment. Compared w...
我来补(shui)作业了 我到今天才看完这一章。因为我觉得这本书有点一言难尽,基本上看几页就需要一个cd时间。 实话,不喜欢这本书的风格。第一个,生词好多,文艺范儿过猛。第二...
1.Various teams on the Earth have been literally working around clock to put together P...
1.what is the purpose of Sirius 4? Sirius 4 is to find the Pathfinder which enables Mar...
1.General impressions This book is amazing. Rather than some emotional stir in other sc...
Thoughts: To be honest, The Omnivore’s Dilemma is not so interesting to me when compare...
Q1.Why has Miss Celia been so secretive about what she does in the bedroom upstairs? Mi...
Q1:How does Skeeter’s date end? That was a totally bad ending. Firstly, Stuart did make...