The Story of Philosophy《哲学的故事》第1章Plato第4节IV. The Ethical Problem第2段第4句引文第3句:
Cephalus answers that wealth is a blessing to him chiefly because it enables him to be generous and honest and just. Socrates, after his sly fashion, asks him just what he meant by justice; and therewith lets loose the dogs of philosophic war. For nothing is so difficult as definition, nor anything so severe a test and exercise of mental clarity and skill. Socrates finds it a simple matter to destroy one after another the definitions offered him; until at last Trasymachus, less patient than the rest, breaks out "with a roar":
"What folly has possessed you, Socrates? And why do you others all drop down at one another's feet in this silly way? I say that if you want to know what justice is, you should answer and not ask, and shouldn't pride yourself on refuting others…. For there are many who can ask but cannot answer"(336)
浙江大学译本: 要我说如果你想知道什么是正义,你应该试着去回答而不是去问,驳倒别人没什么好骄傲的……
1、I say that if you want to know what justice is, you should answer and not ask,
say: to express (an opinion)认为
I wouldn't say (that) he's a great guitarist; he's just OK.我认为他不是句伟大的吉他手,但还可以。
2、and shouldn't pride yourself on refuting others….
pride yourself on: to be proud because of having (an ability, quality, etc)为……感到自豪;对……感到得意。
Your whole life, you have prided yourself on the fact that you don't lie.你一辈子,都为自己从不说谎而自豪。《逍遥法外》
refute: to prove that (something) is not true驳倒,批驳观点、指责或理论
But whenever his visitors spoke about their own life endeavors, he was quick to refute their ideas.但每当客人谈及他们自己的生活追求时,他总是很快地反驳他们的想法。《独处的意义》