英文 | 中文 |
From its earliest days, | 自远古时代起 |
Britain was an object of desire. | 不列颠就为人所觊觎 |
Tacitus declared it "pretium victoriae" - worth the conquest, | 塔西佗称其为"值得征服的土地" |
the best compliment that could occur to a Roman. | 在罗马人眼中这无疑是最高的赞誉 |
He had never visited these shores | 他从未踏足这片土地 |
but was nonetheless convinced | 尽管如此他仍坚信 |
that Britannia was rich in gold. | 不列颠尼亚是一个黄金夹道的富庶之地 |
Silver was abundant too. Apparently so were pearls, | 同样取之不尽的还有白银与珍珠 |
although Tacitus had heard they were grey, | 尽管塔西佗听说那里的珍珠 |
like the overcast, rain-heavy skies, | 就像那里常年阴霾笼罩的天空一般灰暗 |
and the natives only bother to collected them | 却盈千累万当地人都不需费心采撷 |
when cast up on the shore. | 等着珍珠冲上岸就好 |
As far as the Roman historians were concerned, | 古罗马历史学家曾认为 |
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Britannia might be well off at the edge of the world, | 不列颠尼亚远在世界之端 |
but it was off the edge of their world, | 但事实上她只是在罗马世界的边缘 |
not in a howling barbarian wilderness. | 且并非未开化的蛮夷之地 |
If the same writers had been able to travel in time as well as space | 假使这些作家可以穿越时空 |
to the northernmost of our islands, the Orcades | 游历至不列颠最北端 |
our modern Orkney | 如今的奥克尼群岛 |
they would have seen something much more astonishing than pearls: | 令他们瞠目结舌的将不仅是金山银海 |
The unmistakable signs of a civilisation | 还有这里无疑早于罗马数千年的 |
thousands of years older than Rome. | 文明的遗迹 |
There are remains of Stone Age life doted all over Britain and Ireland. | 石器时代的遗迹遍布于不列颠与爱尔兰 |
But nowhere as abundantly as Orkney, | 尤以奥克尼群岛为最 |
with its mounds, graves | 大量鼓起的坟堆 |
and bavol its great circles of standing stones like here at Brodgar. | 以及像布罗德盖石圈一样耸立着的巨石阵 |
Vast, imposing and utterly unknowable. | 雄伟壮观并散发着不可知的神秘气息 |
But Orkney boasts another Neolithic site, | 而岛上有一处新石器时代的遗址 |
there is, in its way, even more impressive than Brodgar, | 甚至比布罗德盖更令人惊叹 |
the last thing you would expect from the Stone Age, | 你永远想象不到遥远的石器时代 |
a shockingly familiar glimpse of ancient domestic life. | 远古的家庭生活竟在这里揭开了神秘面纱 |
Perched on the western coast of Orkney's main island, | 这处遗址就在位于奥克尼主岛西岸 |
a village called Skara Brae. | 一个叫做斯卡拉布雷的村庄 |
Here, beneath an area no bigger than the 18th grade of a golf course | 在这不足一个十八洞高尔夫球场大的地下 |
lies Europe's most complete Neolithic community, | 静静沉睡着欧洲最完整的新石器时代部落 |
miraculously preserved for 5,000 years | 在草与沙之下 |
under a blanket of sand and grass | 奇迹般地保留着五千年前的风貌 |
until uncovered in 1850 | 直到1850年的一次巨大海上风暴 |
by a ferocious sea storm. | 揭开了她的真实面目 |
This is a recognisable village. | 村落的面貌清晰可见 |
Neatly fitted into its landscape between pasture and sea, | 完美地镶嵌在牧场与海洋之间 |
intimate, domestic and self-sufficient. | 联系紧密以家庭为单位自给自足 |
And although they were technically still the Stone Age and Neolithic period, | 虽然这一时期仍被划分在新石器时代 |
these dwellings are not huts, | 这些寓所却已不再是临时的窝棚 |
they're true houses, | 而是真正的房屋 |
built from sandstone slabs that lie all around the island | 由遍布岛上的砂石板材筑造 |
and which gave stout protection to villagers here at Skara Brae, | 坚实地保护着斯卡拉布雷的村民们 |
from their biting Orcadian winds. | 免受奥克尼凶猛海风的侵袭 |
And the villagers were real neighbours, living cheek by jowl, | 村民们比邻而居关系十分亲密 |
their houses connected by walled, sometimes decorated alleyways. | 房屋鳞次栉比有些地方还修有走廊 |
It's not too much of a strech to imagine | 不难想象某次海鲜盛宴结束后 |
gossip travelling down those alleyways after a hearty seafood supper. | 邻里间穿行在走廊间闲话家常的情景 |
We have another word everything you could possibly want from a village | 作为一个村庄除了酒吧与教堂 |
except a church and a pub. | 这里应有尽有 |
In 3,000 BC, the sea and air were little warmer than they are now. | 公元前3000年水温与气温略都高于今日 |
Once they'd settled in their sandstone houses, | 村民们一旦定居于此 |
they could harvest red bream and mussels and oysters | 便可捕获附近浅滩中丰富的红鲷 |
that were abundant in the shallows. | 贻贝以及牡蛎食用 |
Cattle provided meat and milk | 蓄养家畜供应肉类和奶制品 |
and dogs were kept for hunting and for company. | 驯养狗用来打猎和作伴 |
During the Neolithic century | 新石器时期 |
there would have been at least a dozen little houses here, | 至少数十个小房屋曾坐落于此 |
half-dug into the ground for comfort and safety. | 均采用半地下式兼顾安全与舒适 |
A thriving, bustling little community of 50 or 60. | 五六十人组成了这个欣欣向荣的小部落 |
The real miracle of Skara Brae | 而斯卡拉布雷真正的奇迹 |
is that these houses were not mere shelters. | 是他们的房屋绝不仅是简单的庇护所 |
They were built by people who had culture, who had style. | 建造它们的人们自有其文明与时代风格 |
Here's where they showed off that style. | 这里便是展现他们时代风格的地方 |
A fully equipped, | 一间装备齐全 |
all-purpose Neolithic living room, | 用途明确的新石器时代起居室 |
complete with luxuries and necessities. | 必需品与奢侈品一应俱全 |
Necessities? Well, at the centre, a hearth, | 何为必需品呢比如说中央的炉床 |
around which they warmed themselves and cooked thire food. | 用来取暖和做饭 |
A stone tank in which to keep live fish bait. | 用来保存活鱼饵的石质水槽 |
And since we know that some of houses had drains underneath them, | 我们知道有些房屋已然拥有了地下排水沟 |
so they must also, believe it or not, | 那么无论你相信与否 |
have had indoor toilets. | 它们也有了室内卫生间 |
Luxuries? | 奢饰品又为何物呢 |
The orthopaedically correct stone bed | 一张中规中矩的石床 |
may not seem particularly luxurious, | 或许算不得极尽奢华 |
but the addition layers of heather and straw | 但在上面铺上这石楠丛与稻草 |
would have softened the sleeping surface | 却能使床面变得柔软舒适 |
and would have made this bed seem rather snug. | 让普通的石床摇身变为精致典雅的卧榻 |
At the centre of it all, though, | 放置在一切陈设中心的 |
was this spectacular dresser | 是美轮美奂的梳妆台 |
on which our house-proud neolithic villagers | 讲究的新石器时期屋主 |
would set out all their most precious stuff. | 将所有家珍在此悉数摆出 |
Fine bone and ivory necklaces, | 精美的骨头和象牙项链 |
beautifully rolled and carved stone objects, | 与精雕细琢的石器 |
everything designed to make a grand interior statement. | 无不衬托着室内的奢华与气魄 |
Given the rudimentary nature of their tools, | 以当时落后原始的工具 |
it would have taken countless man-hours to build | 定花费了数不尽的人力与时间 |
not only these domestic dwellings | 不仅建造了这些民宅 |
but also the great circles of stone | 还有那些他们围起来的 |
where they would have gathered to worship. | 供以祭祀膜拜的巨石圈 |
So Skara Brae wasn't just | 看来斯卡拉布雷并不只是 |
an isolated settlement of fishers and farmers. | 渔夫和农民与世隔绝的世外桃源 |
Its people must have belonged to some larger society, | 这些人一定从属于成熟强大的社群 |
one sophisticated enough to mobilise | 人员组成复杂到足以动员起 |
the army of toilers and craftsmen, | 劳工与工匠所组成的大军 |
needed not just to make these monuments, | 不仅能建造起这些庞然大物 |
but to stand them on end. | 还将其立置起来 |
They were just as concerned | 而他们对地宫的关注 |
about housing the dead as the living. | 绝不逊于生前的寓所 |
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The mausoleum at Maes Howe, a couple of miles from Skara Brae, | 在斯卡拉布雷数英里外的麦豪石室 |
seems no more than a swelling on the grassy landscape. | 看上去不过是青草间一处隆起地块 |
This is, as it were, a British pyramid | 其实它堪称不列颠之金字塔 |
and in keeping with our taste for understatement, | 其含蓄与我们的审美情趣不谋而合 |
it reserves all its impact for the interior. | 将所有华美尽藏于室内 |
Imagine them open once more. | 试想将这墓穴再次打开 |
A detail from a village given the job of pulling back the stone seals, | 一个村民受雇进入将石门封死 |
lugging the body through the low opening in the earth. | 匍匐穿进这条深入的地洞 |
Up 36 feet of narrow, tight-fitting passageway, | 一条长达三十六英尺狭窄 |
lit only once a year by the rays of the winter solstice. | 并只有在每年冬至才会沐浴日光的通道 |
A death canal, constriction, smelling of the underworld. | 一条紧窄并弥漫着阴森气息的冥界之路 |
Finally the passageway opens up to this stupendous, | 最终这条通道将我们引向了这巨大的 |
high-vaulted masonry chamber. | 穹窿形石室 |
Some tombs would have been elaborately decorated | 一些装饰华美的陵墓 |
with carvings in the form of circles or spirals, | 被雕刻上圆圈或是螺旋的形状 |
like waves or the breeze-pushed clouds. | 犹如波浪又如清风掠过的云海一般 |
Others would have had neat little stone stores or cubicles | 另一些则附有精巧的小型石室 |
where the bodies would be laid out on shelves. | 便于死者的遗体存放于搁架之上 |
The grandest of these tombs had openings cut in the wall, | 最豪华墓穴的墙壁上开凿了凹槽 |
to create side chambers where the most important bodies | 以便让最重要的尸体 |
could be laid out in aristocratic spaciousness | 能够安息在奢华宽敞的空间内 |
like family vaults in a country church. | 就像教堂中的家族墓穴 |
Unlike medieval knights though, | 与中世纪的骑士们不同 |
these grandees were buried with | 这些贵族将 |
eagles and dogs, or even treasure. | 鹰狗甚至珍宝作为陪葬品 |
The kind of thing the Vikings who broke into these tombs | 这些陪葬品让数千年后维京海盗的盗取 |
thousands of years later were quick to filch. | 易如探囊取物 |
In return, though, | 然而作为回馈 |
these early tomb raiders left their own legacy. | 这些早期盗墓者也留下了他们的遗产 |
These wonderful graffiti. | 这些珍贵的涂鸦 |
如尼文:一种已灭绝的文字 特别在斯堪的纳维亚半岛与不列颠岛屿通用 | |
These runes were carved | 这些如尼文 |
by the most skilled rune carver | 由大西洋最娴熟的雕刻师 |
in the western ocean. | 书刻在墙上 |
I bedded thorny here. | 我在此如卧针毡 |
Ingegirth is one horny bitch. | 茵妮格斯是个浪荡的贱人 |
As for the Orcadian hoi polloi, | 而作为奥克尼的平民 |
they ranked space in a common chamber, | 只能葬于一间公共墓穴之内 |
on a floor carpeted with the bones of hundreds of their predecessors. | 葬于由无数祖先的尸骨铺就的地板之上 |
A crowded waiting room to their afterworld. | 一个熙熙攘攘通向来世的等候室 |
For centuries, | 几个世纪以来 |
life at Skara Brae must have continued in much the same way. | 斯卡拉布雷人的生活几乎毫无变化 |
But around 2,500 BC, | 然而在公元前2500年前后 |
the island climate seems to have got colder and wetter. | 岛上气候开始变得寒冷潮湿 |
The red bream disappeared | 红鲷鱼灭绝了 |
and so did the stable environment | 让奥克尼人世代安居乐业的气候 |
the Orcadians had enjoyed for countless generations. | 也不再规律与稳定 |
Fields were abandoned, the farmers and fishers migrated, | 土地变得贫瘠农民与渔夫开始迁徙 |
leaving their stone buildings and tombs | 留下了他们的石室墓穴 |
to be covered by layers of peat, drifting sand | 任由其被层层泥炭流沙 |
and finally grass. | 与最后的茵茵绿草所覆盖 |
The mainland too, of course, had its burial chambers, | 当然在大陆上同样建有墓穴 |
西坎奈特长墓 英国最长的古墓约前3700年建成 | |
like the long barrow at West Kennet. | 诸如西坎奈特长墓 |
There were also the great stone circles, | 其他地方同样也有巨石圈 |
the largest at Avebury. | 其中最大的在埃夫伯里 |