
英文 中文
Why are you late? 怎么迟到啦
You're not going to like the answer. 你是不会喜欢我的答案
I already know the answer. 我早就知道了
I missed the bus. 我没赶上公车
I don't doubt it. 那当然咯
No bus stops near Brad's. 布莱家附近没有公车站
You spent the night, the alarm didn't work 你在他家过夜闹钟没响
or maybe it did. 响了也当没听见
I didn't sleep with him. 我没有跟他上床
Girl, either there's something 美女事情才没这么简单
I missed the bus! 只不过是没赶上公车
There's something either very wrong with you 要么是你有问题
or something very wrong with him. 要么是他有问题
-There's nothing wrong with him.-Please tell me you know that for a fact. -他没有问题-就是说你亲身验证过咯
Melanie, I gotta go. 马琳我得走了
You're lying, aren't you? 你在忽悠我的对吧
I wouldn't lie to you. 我才不会忽悠你
Good morning, guys! 早上好呀小朋友们
Good morning, Miss Rebecca! 早上好丽贝卡老师
- Everybody's in their seats? - Yes. -大家都到齐了吗-是的
Okay. 好的
Sydney, 仙蒂
why don't you tell us what you did this weekend? 告诉大家你这个周末都干什么啦
Come on, Sydney. 来吧仙蒂
We know you're not shy. 你可不是个害羞的孩子哦
How come we always have to tell you what we did, 为什么总让我们说
and you never tell us what you did? 而你却从来不说呢
Okay. 好吧
I had a really great weekend. 我这个周末过的棒极了
But you can't tell Miss Melanie, okay? 但你们不可以告诉马琳老师哦好吗
What did you do? 你做什么啦
I made a new friend. 我交了个新朋友
It's so much fun to make new friends, isn't it? 交新朋友总是很开心的对吗
Yeah. Yeah. 是呀是呀
Did you tell your mom and dad about your new friend? 告诉你爸妈你那位新朋友了吗
Absolutely. 当然咯
You should never keep anything from your parents. 任何事都不可以瞒着爸妈
And I told mine 我说完我的...
C-A- L- C-A- L-
H-EThe H-E, The!
We know that word. "The." 我们认识那个字The
Twenty-nine-year old female. 女性29岁
First seizure one month ago. 在一个月前首次癫痫发作
Lost the ability to speak. Babbled like a baby. 失去语言能力只能像婴儿一样嘟囔
Progressive deterioration of mental status. 阶段性智力退化
You see that? 看见没
They all assume I'm a patient because of this cane. 就因为这拐杖大家都把我当病人
So put on a white coat like the rest of us. 那就像我们一样穿上白大褂
I don't want them to think I'm a doctor. 我更不想让人知道我是医生
You see where the administration might have a problem with that attitude? 难怪你会让上面这么头疼
People don't want a sick doctor. 没有人会要一个有病的医生
That's fair enough. I don't like healthy patients. 当然咯我也不要健康的病人
The 29-year old female 这名二十九岁女病人
The one who can't talk? I like that part. 就喜欢她不会说话
She's my cousin. 她是我的表妹
And your cousin doesn't like the diagnosis. 你表妹肯定不会喜欢我的诊断
I wouldn't either. 我也不会
Brain tumor. She's going to die. Boring. 得的是脑瘤命不久矣无聊透顶
No wonder you're such a renowned diagnostician. 你这位诊断专家还真是名不虚传
You don't need to actually know anything to figure out what's wrong. 闭着眼睛就能作诊断
You're the oncologist. 你才是肿瘤专家
I'm just a lowly infectious disease guy. 我不过是个小小的传染病医生
Yes. Just a simple country doctor. 那是你不过是个赤脚郎中
Brain tumors at her age are highly unlikely. 她这年龄患脑瘤可能性很小
She's 29. Whatever she's got is highly unlikely. 她才二十九岁患什么都不太可能
The protein markers for the three most prevalent brain cancers came up negative. 三种最常见脑瘤的蛋白标记都呈阴性
That's an H.M.O. Lab. 那是保健室
Might as well have sent it to a high school kid with a chemistry set. 跟高中实验室一样烂
No family history. 没有家族病史
I thought your uncle died of cancer. 你叔不是死于癌症的吗
Other side. No environmental factors. 另一边的表妹没有环境致病因素
That you know of. 你不知道而已
And she's not responding to radiation treatment. 且对放疗没反应
None of which is even close to dispositive. 说这么半天没说到一个重点
All it does is raise one question: 仅让我产生一个疑问
Your cousin goes to an H.M.O.? 你表妹竟然去保健室看病
Come on. Why leave all the fun for the coroner? 拜托干嘛把乐趣都留给验尸官呢
What's the point of putting together a team 如果不找些事情给他们做
if you're not gonna use them? 那还要他们来干嘛
You've got three overqualified doctors 你手下有三位能力超群的医生
working for you, getting bored. 成天百无聊赖
It's a lesion. 是脑损
And the big green thing 在地图上
in the middle of the bigger blue thing on a map... 碧蓝中的一点鲜绿
is an island. 是小岛
I was hoping for something a bit more creative. 还以为你要语出惊人呢
Shouldn't we be speaking to the patient before we start diagnosing? 作诊断前不是该先了解病人吗
- Is she a doctor? - No, but- -她是医生吗-不是可是
Everybody lies. 所有人都撒谎
Dr. House doesn't like dealing with patients. 豪斯医生从不和病人打交道
Isn't treating patients why we became doctors? 治疗病人不正是我们做医生的原因吗
No. Treating illnesses is why we became doctors. 你错了治疗疾病才是我们做医生的原因
Treating patients is what makes most doctors miserable. 治疗病人是让医生痛苦不堪的原因
So you're trying to eliminate the humanity from the practice of medicine? 所以你从医学治疗中除去人性
If we don't talk to them, 只要不和他们接触
they can't lie to us, 他们就无法撒谎
and we can't lie to them. 我们也不必对他们撒谎
Humanity's overrated. 人性总被高估
I don't think it's a tumor. 这不是肿瘤
First year medical school 在医学院第一年就知道
if you hear hoofbeats, you think horses, not zebras. 听到马蹄声要想到马而不是斑马
Are you in first year medical school? 你还停留在大学一年级吗
No. First of all, there's nothing on the CAT scan. 不是首先造影扫描没有异常
Second of all, if this is a horse, 第二倘若这真是一匹马
then her kindly family doctor in Trenton makes the obvious diagnosis, 任何庸医都能诊断出来
and it never gets near this office. 她也不会来了
Differential diagnosis, people. 伙计们开始鉴别诊断啊
If it's not a tumor, what are the suspects? 若非肿瘤还有什么可能
Why couldn't she talk? 她怎么会不能说话
Aneurysm, stroke or some other ischemic syndrome. 动脉瘤中风或是其他缺血性综合征
- Get her a contrast M.R.I. - Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease? -做核磁共振成像-是克雅病
- Mad cow? - Mad zebra. -疯牛病-疯斑马病
Wernicke's encephalopathy. 韦尼克脑病
No. Blood thiamine level was normal. 不对血液中硫胺水平正常
The lab in Trenton could have screwed up the blood tests. 那破烂保健室搞砸了所有血检
I assume it's a corollary if"people lie" that "people screw up." 人们闯祸都想尽办法掩饰
Redraw the blood tests 重做血测
and get her scheduled for that contrast M.R.I. ASAP. 尽快安排核磁共振成像
Let's find out what kind of zebra we're treating here. 看看这到底是什么斑马
Radiology, please call the page. 放射科请呼叫
Radiology, please call the page. 放射科请呼叫
I was expecting you in my office 20 minutes ago. 我二十分钟前就在办公室等你
Really? Well, that's odd 真的吗那就怪了
because I had no intention of being in your office 20 minutes ago. 我二十分钟前压根就没想去你办公室
You think we have nothing to talk about? 你以为我们没什么可谈吗
No. I just can't think of anything I'd be interested in. 正是如此想不出要跟你说什么
- I sign your paychecks. - I have tenure. -我是你的衣食父母-我是终身职位
Are you gonna grab my cane now, stop me from leaving? 想抢我的拐杖不让我走吗
That would be juvenile. 我才不跟你一般见识
I can still fire you if you're not doing your job. 如果你玩忽职守我还是可以解雇你
I'm here from 9:00 to 5:00. 我每天按时上下班
- Your billings are practically nonexistent. - Rough year. -你基本没有工作量-经济不景气啊
You ignore requests for consults. 你无视会诊
I call back. Sometimes I misdial. 我回了打错电话而已
You're six years behind on your obligations to the clinic. 你已经落下六年的门诊任务
See? I was right. This doesn't interest me. 看吧早说过咱俩无话可谈
Six years times three weeks 六年每年三周
you owe me better than four months. 你欠下四个月的门诊时间
It's 5:00. I'm going home. 五点了该回家了
To what? 回家干嘛
Nice. 行啊你
Look, Dr. House, the only reason why I don't fire you... 我至今仍没有解雇你的唯一理由
is because your reputation is still worth something to this hospital. 就是你的声誉对医院还有价值
Excellent. We have a point of agreement 很好在不解雇我这一方面
you're not gonna fire me. 咱总算达成共识
Your reputation won't last 如果你继续懒散下去
if you don't do your job. 你那名声会化为乌有
The clinic is part of your job. 门诊也是工作的一部分
I want you to do your job. 我希望你能尽职
But, as the philosophers Jagger once said, 伟大的"哲人"贾斯汀曾说过
"You can't always get what you want." "世事并不总遂人愿"
You're not my doctor. Are you Dr. House? 你不是我的医生你是豪斯医生吗
Thankfully, no. I'm Dr. Chase. 幸亏不是我是奇斯医生
Dr. House is the head of diagnostic medicine. 豪斯医生是诊断部门的负责人
He's very busy, 他事务繁忙
but he has taken a keen interest in your case. 但他对你的病例尤其上心
We inject gadolinium into a vein. 我们将对比剂注入静脉
It distributes itself throughout your brain 它会自由遍布大脑
and acts as a contrast material for the magnetic resonance imager. 做磁共振成像造影剂
Basically, whatever's in your head lights up like a Christmas tree. 总之要把你的大脑变成圣诞树
- It might make you feel a little light-headed. - Dr. Cameron. -可能会感觉头晕-卡梅隆医生
I'm sorry. I have to stop you. There is a problem. 抱歉打断一下出问题了
You pulled my authorization! 你竟敢没收我的权限
Yes. Why are you yelling? 没错这么激动干嘛
No M.R.I.'s, no imaging studies, no labs. 没有核磁共振成像影像检查和实验检测
You also can't make long distance phone calls. 你还不能打长途电话
If you're going to fire me, have the guts to face me. 真想炒我就冲我来
Or photocopies. You're still yelling. 你还不能用复印机你还在嚷嚷啊
I'm angry! You're risking a patient's life. 我很生气你竟拿病人生命开玩笑
I assume those are two separate points. 这两件事没关系吧
You showed me disrespect. You embarrassed me. 你不尊重我让我难堪
And as long as I work here, you have no legal- 我还在这一天你就没有权利...
Is the yelling designed to scare me? 你是想吓唬我吗
Because I'm not sure what it is I'm supposed to be scared of. 我到现在还不知道该怕些什么
More yelling? That's not scary. 还要接着嚷吗一点都不吓人
That you're going to hurt me? That's scary. 如果说你要打我那才可怕
But I'm pretty sure I can outrun you. 可我跑得绝对比你快
Oh, I looked into that philosopher you quoted-Jagger. 还是你那位"哲人"贾斯汀说得对
And you're right, you can't always get what you want. "世事并不总遂人愿"
But as it turns out, "If you try sometimes, 但事实上"倘若努力"
you get what you need." "总能得到自己想要的"
So, because you want me to treat patients, 就是说你想让我治疗病人
you're not letting me treat patients? 却要反其道而行吗
I need you to do your job. 我要的是你做好本职工作
Do the M.R.I. She folded. 做核磁共振她投降了
I've got to do four hours a week in this clinic 我每周得做四小时门诊
until I make up the time I've missed. 直到补回我所落下任务
2054. I'll be caught up in 2054. 整整两千零五十四个小时
You better love this cousin a whole lot. 你最好深爱着你这表妹
All right, Rebecca, 好的丽贝卡
I know you may feel a little claustrophobic in there, 你可能感觉幽闭
but we need you to remain still. 但请别乱动
Okay, we're going to begin. 好的开始了
I don't feel so good. 我不舒服
It's all right. Just try to relax. 没关系放松点
Rebecca? 丽贝卡
Rebecca? 丽贝卡
Rebecca? 丽贝卡
- Get her out of there. - Oh, she probably fell asleep. -把她弄出来-可能只是睡着了
- She's exhausted. - She was claustrophobic 30 seconds ago. -她累了-三十秒前她还有幽闭恐惧
She's not sleeping. We gotta get her out of there. 她不是睡着快把她弄出来
It'll just be another minute. 还有一分钟就好了
If she's having an allergic reaction to the gadolinium, she'll be dead in two minutes. 如果是对比剂过敏马上会没命
- Hold her neck.- All right. -托住颈部-好的
Oh, she's ashen. 面色苍白
She's not breathing.Epi, .5. 呼吸停止了肾上腺素0.5毫克
Come on. 加油
I can't ventilate. 机械通气不行
Too much edema. 水肿太严重
- Where's the surgical airway kit?- Yep. Coming. -气管切开器械包-来了
Good call. 厉害
We'll get that tube out of your throat later today. 今天晚些时候会把插管取出
Just get some rest for now, okay? 现在先好好休息
Told you.You can't trust people. 早说了不能相信任何人
She probably knew she was allergic to gadolinium. 她可能知道自己对比剂过敏
Figured it was an easy way to get someone to cut a hole in her throat. 发现是个让人帮她开喉的好方法
Can't get a picture. Gonna have to get a thousand words. 不能做脑部扫描只好靠千言万语了
You actually want me to talk to the patient, get a history? 你真想让我们跟病人聊天套病史吗
We need to know 需要了解
if there's some genetic or environmental cause that's triggering an inflammatory response. 触发炎症反应的遗传和环境因素
I thought everybody lied. 你不是说所有人都撒谎吗
Truth begins in lies. 真相恰恰始于谎言
Think about it. 好好想想吧
That doesn't mean anything, does it? 他又在胡言乱语对吧
12:52 p.m. 下午12:52
Dr. House checks in. Please write that down. 豪斯医生签到请记上
Do you have cable TV here somewhere? 有线电视在哪
General Hospital starts in eight minutes. 《总院故事》八分钟后开始
No TV, but we've got patients. 没电视但有病人
Can't you give out the aspirin yourself? 你就不能自己去发阿司匹林吗
I'll do paperwork. 把书面工作交给我
I made sure your first case was an interesting one. 我保证第一个病例就很有意思
Cough just won't go away? 咳嗽好不起来
Runny nose looks a funny color? 鼻涕的颜色古怪
Patient admitted complaining of back spasms. 病人背部痉挛
Oh? I think I read about something like that in the New England Journal of Medicine. 听起来像新英格兰医学杂志上的病例
Patient is orange. 病人是橙色的
- The color? -No, the fruit. -颜色吗-不是我说水果
You mean yellow. It's jaundice. 你是说黄色那是黄疸
I mean orange. 是橙色
Well, how orange? It's probably 好吧橙到什么份上大概只是...
Exam room one. 一号诊室
Dr. Kahn, you're needed in pediatrics. 卡恩医生请到儿科
I was playing golf and my cleats got stuck. 我打高尔夫时球鞋卡住了
It hurt a little, but I kept playing. 有点疼不过我没停
The next morning, I could barely stand up. 第二天早上我疼得站不起来
Well, you're smiling, so I take it that means this isn't serious. 你在笑说明我病情不重
What's that? What are you doing? 那是什么你干吗
Painkillers. 止痛药


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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 45,500评论 2 359
