英文 | 中文 |
I didn't ask for you to do anything nice for me, Toby. | 我没要求你为我做任何事托比 |
And I thought that you were leaving. | 而且我以为你要走了 |
- What happened? - Would you ever think that | -怎么了-你就没想过 |
maybe I needed you to do something nice for me? | 也许我需要你为我着想点吗 |
And also I ran into your friend Duke, | 我还遇到了你朋友杜克 |
who's a real dick, by the way. | 顺便说一句这人挺混账的 |
He's not my friend. | 他不是我朋友 |
And my offer still stands. | 我的邀请仍然有效 |
I'm in Cabin 13. | 我在13号小屋 |
I'm not cut out for theater. | 我根本不是演戏剧的料 |
You do that a lot. Doubt yourself. | 你总是这样怀疑自己 |
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The band booked a five-state tour. | 乐队准备进行五州巡演 |
And I think I want to go. | 我想一起去 |
The oncologist estimates he's only got a few more months. | 肿瘤专家估计他只有几个月的时间 |
Should we start digging his grave now | 我们现在该给他准备棺材 |
or should we wait until there's an actual body? | 还是等他死了以后 |
Eight years ago, I was pregnant for the first time, | 八年前我第一次怀孕 |
and Randall was vying for partner at his firm | 当时兰德尔在竞争公司合伙人的职位 |
and he made sure I didn't lift a finger. | 他一丁点事都没让我做 |
Problem is, he stopped sleeping. | 可问题是他失眠了 |
Then one morning, I was in the bathroom, | 有一天早上我在卫生间 |
and he called out to me. | 他大声喊我 |
He was confused because he couldn't see anything. | 他懵了因为他什么都看不见了 |
He had worked himself into a nervous breakdown. | 他把自己逼得精神崩溃了 |
Happy Valentine's Day. | 情人节快乐 |
Happy Valentine's Day. | 情人节快乐 |
Is that my Valentine's Day card? | 那是我的情人节卡吗 |
If it is, I-I'm gonna need to make yours a lot longer. | 如果是的话我得在给你的卡上多写点 |
No, this is, uh, this is a list of everything that | 不这是在我下周巡演的时候 |
I need you to do when I go on tour next week. | 我需要你做的所有事情的清单 |
So, this is Kevin and Randall's football schedule. | 这是凯文和兰德尔的足球日程 |
This is the night that Randall has debate team. | 这天晚上兰德尔有辩论队活动 |
This is, uh, a check for Kate's music lessons... | 这是凯特参加音乐课程的支票 |
Babe. Baby, baby. Contrary to popular belief, | 亲爱的我和别人不一样 |
I've actually, I've met our children before. | 事实上我已经有带孩子的经验了 |
Look, for the next month, I'm just, | 听着在接下来这个月 |
I'm gonna ply them with... with greasy Chinese | 我要给他们吃油腻腻的中国菜 |
and when the boys start to stink | 等儿子们开始散发异味的时候 |
I'm gonna take them out back and hose them down. | 我就在外面用水管给他们冲水洗澡 |
Stop. I already feel guilty about | 别说了我已经开始感到内疚了 |
leaving them, and you. | 要撇下他们还有你 |
Yeah, well, we're gonna be fine. | 好了我们不会有事的 |
Now give your husband a kiss | 现在给你老公一个吻吧 |
because it's Valentine's Day. | 今天可是情人节 |
- Fine. - Yeah. | -好吧-来吧 |
But only 'cause it's Valentine's Day. | 不过只是因为今天是情人节 |
Hey, you know what? I'm really, really excited | 你知道吗我可是对你今晚的表演 |
about your show tonight. | 感到相当地兴奋 |
You are? | 真的吗 |
Yeah. Really excited. | 是的特别兴奋 |
But don't get too tired from all the singing, okay? | 但是唱歌的时候保留点体力好吗 |
'Cause I still want to take you out to O'Shannon's for dinner. | 因为我还想带你去欧·香农餐厅吃晚餐 |
- Unless you want to shake things up... - No, no. | -除非你有别的想法-不没有 |
Only O'Shannon's on Valentine's Day. | 情人节相约欧·香农 |
That's our tradition. | 这是咱们的传统 |
Best bacon cheeseburgers in all of Pittsburgh. | 全匹兹堡最好的培根芝士汉堡 |
You getting the onion rings? | 你要洋葱圈吗 |
Hell yes, we're doing onion rings. | 当然要洋葱圈 |
Cool wife. | 时髦的老婆 |
Hot hubby. | 酷炫的老公 |
Well, that didn't take long. | 你也没考虑太久嘛 |
You know, uh, for a minute there, | 有那么一会儿 |
you actually convinced me that I was like you. | 你真的让我相信了自己和你是一路人 |
That deep down, I was just damaged goods. | 让我以为我的内心深处是有残缺的 |
And then I realized, that's ridiculous. | 可我又意识到那真的很荒谬 |
Do I have issues? Yes. | 我有问题吗我有 |
But deep down, I'm awesome. | 但是我知道我很棒 |
And until you can figure out why you are such a jackass, | 除非你能想清楚自己为何这么混账 |
you're gonna wander this camp miserable | 你的余生都会孤独痛苦地 |
and alone till the day that you die. | 游荡在这个营地里 |
Probably saying something snarky underneath your breath. | 或许悄声地对着一匹马 |
To a horse. | 说一些刻薄话 |
You ever wonder why I get away | 你曾经奇怪我为什么可以 |
with saying whatever the hell I want all day? | 整天逍遥着想说什么就说什么 |
It's 'cause my parents, | 是因为我的父母 |
they own this godforsaken place. | 这个沉闷荒凉的地方是他们的 |
Yeah. | 没想到吧 |
You're done here. | 你玩完了 |
So, Kevin Pearson, tell me a little bit about yourself. | 凯文·皮尔森简单介绍一下你自己吧 |
How did you get started in this business? | 你是如何在这个行业上起步的呢 |
Uh, well. Modeling, actually. | 事实上我是从模特起步的 |
You know, um...Catalogue stuff, mostly. | 主要是做商品目录 |
For my first gig, I was actually "guy in toe socks." | 我的第一次演出角色就是穿着脚趾袜的人 |
Let's talk about The Manny. | 我们聊聊《靓男保姆》吧 |
Yeah, no. The Manny was a... | 《靓男保姆》对我来说 |
was a really great learning experience for me. | 真的是一个很好的学习经验 |
But, uh...You know, after a while, I just... | 但是过了一段时间 |
felt like it was time to | 我觉得是时候 |
broaden my horizons, if you will. | 开阔眼界了如果要说的话 |
You wanted to be taken seriously. | 你想得到重视 |
Exactly. Yeah, yeah. | 正是如此是的 |
You wanted to be in a play. | 你想演舞台剧 |
Yeah. That's right. | 是的是这样 |
So you decided you would sleep | 所以你决定 |
with the lead actress in that play. | 和剧中的女主角上床 |
So. I... well... | 这个...我... |
And then you slept with the playwright. | 然后你又和编剧上床了 |
I mean, I didn't... It was a diff... | 我不是...那不一样... |
And then when they wanted to close the play, | 当他们想砍掉这剧时 |
you decided to "self produce"? | 你决定要"自我炒作" |
Yeah. That's right. | 对是这样 |
- Let me get this straight. - What? | -我就直说了-怎么了 |
You, Kevin Pearson, | 凯文·皮尔森 |
a vapid pretty boy who made his mark | 一个通过表演假装用胸部给婴儿喂奶 |
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pretending to breastfeed an infant from his pectoral | 而声名大噪的愚蠢花瓶 |
thought he could actually be taken seriously as a stage actor. | 真以为大众会把你看作正经的戏剧演员吗 |
I know. I know it. | 我明白你的意思 |
- Uh, but I, you know... - Seriously. Who is this guy? | -但我...-说真的他以为自己是谁 |
- Let's get out of here. Honestly. - Katie. | -说真的我们走吧-凯蒂 |
I got to play tennis with Salman Rushdie. | 我还得和萨尔曼·拉什迪打网球呢 |
Jesus. | 天啊 |
Hello? | 喂 |
Did I wake you up? | 我把你吵醒了吗 |
No. No, I've been awake. | 没有我早醒了 |
I'm awake. | 我醒了 |
Did you have that Katie Couric nightmare again? | 你是不是又做凯蒂·库瑞克的噩梦了 |
What? No. Of course not. | 你说什么不当然没有 |
What are you talking about? | 你说什么呢 |
Who'd she leave to play tennis with? | 她结束采访后要去和谁打网球 |
Salman Rushdie. | 萨尔曼·拉什迪 |
Well, I just... | 我只是... |
I-I just wanted to say | 我只是想告诉你 |
that I really wish I could be at your opening tonight, | 我真的很想去看你今晚的首映 |
but no one would cover my double shift, so... | 但我找不到人替我上两轮班所以... |
It's okay. You know, it's probably for the best; | 没事也许这是件好事 |
my whole family will be there. | 我全家人都会去 |
And I'm not sure... opening night is, uh, you know, | 而且我也不确定首映场会是个... |
the right venue to reveal to everyone | 好地方来向大家宣布 |
that my ex-wife and I are... | 我和我的前妻... |
What are we doing, by the way? | 说起来我们到底是在干嘛 |
Well, I'd say we're... | 我觉得我们是在... |
cautiously dating? | 谨慎地交往 |
Cautiously... I'll take that. | 谨慎地...这么说也对 |
I like that. | 我喜欢这个说法 |
Um, well, break a leg tonight. | 祝你今晚演出成功 |
Yeah. | 好 |
Yeah, call Kate. | 打给凯特 |
She's really good with you when you're nervous. | 她很擅长安抚你的紧张情绪 |
Sophie, I'm not nerv... | 索菲我才没紧... |
Why would I be nervous? | 我为什么要紧张 |
I know all my lines. | 我台词背得滚瓜烂熟了都 |
Okay. | 好吧 |
Bye. | 再见 |
I want to... | 我想... |
split your accounts between you and Sanjay. | 把你的客户分一些给桑杰 |
The medication isn't working anymore. | 吃药已经不管用了 |
I don't want to do this to you. | 我不想让你经历这些 |
I can take it. | 我能承受 |
Do you want to stop the chemo, William? | 你想停止化疗吗威廉 |
Why is there a photo of me | 为什么威廉的公寓里 |
and a letter that you sent to William... | 有张我的照片和一封你寄去的信 |
Randall, you have to understand... | 兰德尔你得明白... |
Understand what? That you knew my father? | 明白什么你很早就认识我父亲了吗 |
You kept him from me my entire life? | 而你却一直不告诉我他的存在 |
- Everything that I... - Just stop... | -我做的这一切...-别说了 |
What are you doing? You all right? | 你在干嘛没事吧 |
Yeah. Just pushed it, a little too hard. | 没事只是跑得有点猛了 |
All right. You make this run every day, Randall. | 得了吧你每天都这么跑兰德尔 |
You getting soft on me, huh? | 你是在让着我吗 |
Old man? You getting soft on me? | 老弟你是不是在让着我 |
Yeah, right. | 是啊 |
Last one home makes the protein shakes. | 最后到家的人要负责冲蛋白粉 |
Yeah, all right. | 好 |
But we anticipate, over the next six months, | 但我们预计在接下来的六个月里 |
returns on your investment north of 17%... | 你的投资回报率会超过百分之17... |
- Baby? - Yeah. | -宝贝-怎么了 |
You missed a button. | 你扣子扣错了 |
We got these video calls with 30 of our top clients tomorrow | 明天我们要和30名顶级客户进行视频通话 |
to go over quarterly earnings. | 汇报季度收益 |
And I was up late with William last night, | 昨晚我陪威廉到很晚 |
so I haven't had a chance to go over the numbers. | 所以没来得及过一遍这些数字 |
I told you Jessie offered to cancel his trip to Chicago. | 我跟你说过杰西愿意取消芝加哥之旅陪我 |
And I already told you | 我也已经跟你说过 |
that you're not staying with Jessie. | 你不能和杰西住一起 |
- It's fine. I was happy to do it. - It's my sweater, | -别担心我很乐意陪你-这是我的毛衣 |
- and I want to wear it! - But you promised I could! | -我想穿这件毛衣-但你答应让我穿的 |
Girls, please. | 女儿们别吵了 |
Would you give your sister back her dividends? | 你能把分红[毛衣]还给你姐姐吗 |
Sit down and eat your breakfast. | 坐下吃早餐 |
Hey, Lisa. What's up? | 丽萨怎么了 |
Give it to me. It's mine. | 还给我那是我的 |
- I didn't say you could have it! - What? | -我没说要送给你-什么 |
Yes, you did. | 你说了 |
And mom said you have to share! | 而且妈妈说了你得学会分享 |
Hey, girls. Please! | 女儿们别吵了 |
- I can't hear your Aunt Lisa. - Hey. I got you. | -我听不见丽萨阿姨说话了-给我吧 |
Randall, I can wash one dish. | 兰德尔我洗个盘子没问题 |
Ok, but they said she's gonna be all right, right? | 好不过他们说她会没事的对吗 |
- Said who's gonna be all right? - You'll spill something on it! | -说谁会没事-你会把它弄脏的 |
Will not! Will not! | 不会的不会的 |
Girls, hey! Please, your mother's on the phone. | 孩子们小点声妈妈在打电话 |
William? | 威廉 |
- You okay? - I'm fine. | -你没事吧-我没事 |
Hey, come here. | 过来 |
I'm all right, I'm holding my breath. | 我没事我屏着呼吸 |
My mother slipped and fell on her way | 我妈昨晚上洗手间的时候 |
to the bathroom last night. | 滑倒了 |
- No. - Is she okay? | -不-她没事吧 |
They think she'll be okay. She broke her hip. | 他们说她会没事的她髋骨骨折了 |
- I have to go down to D.C. - Of course. | -我得去一趟华盛顿-当然 |
Oh, it's the worst timing. | 这时间真不凑巧 |
Hey, don't you worry about me. | 别担心我 |
- And Kevin's play is tonight. - It's fine. | -凯文今晚还有演出-没关系 |
Hey, we'll figure it out. | 我们会解决的 |
Are you sure? | 确定吗 |
Positive. | 非常确定 |
Okay. I'm gonna go pack a bag. | 好我去收拾行李 |
- Okay. - Okay. | -好-好 |
I'm gonna call the service to send over | 我得打电话 |
- a nurse for the day. - I don't need a nurse! | -找个护士过来-我不需要护士 |
Yes, you do! | 你需要 |
End of discussion. | 就这么定了 |
Tess, go get dressed. | 苔丝去换衣服 |
- But Ann... - Also end of discussion. | -可是安妮...-这事也定了 |
Will Grandma be okay? | 外婆会好的吧 |
Of course, baby. | 当然了宝贝 |
Everything's gonna be just fine. | 一切都会好的 |
Yeah, yeah. This is Jack Pearson. I was hoping | 我是杰克·皮尔森我想 |
to reserve the booth under the photo of Muhammad Ali. | 预留默罕默德·阿里照片下的那个位子 |
That's... that's my wife's favorite booth. | 那是我妻子最喜欢的位子 |
Okay. Great. Thanks for your help. | 好太棒了谢谢帮忙 |
We'll see you then. Okay. | 一会儿见好 |
O'Shannon's. Valentine's Day dinner. | 欧·香农餐厅情人节晚餐 |
Bec's going on tour next week, so... | 小贝下周要去巡演了所以... |
Spending time together while we still can, you know? | 我俩得趁还有时间多一起待一会儿 |
You're handling this whole tour thing great, by the way. | 对了你对巡演这事处理得很成熟 |
Yeah? I am? | 是吗 |
Are you? | 是吗 |
- Jack. - Yeah. | -杰克-怎么了 |
It's me. | 是我啊 |
Why the hell is she going on tour? | 她究竟为什么要去巡演 |
I mean, I could deal with a piano bar, | 我可以接受她在钢琴酒吧里 |
a couple nights a week, but a tour? | 每周演出几晚可巡演 |
I mean, who does she think she is? | 她觉得自己是谁 |
Janis freaking Joplin? | 詹尼斯·乔普林吗 |
We've got three kids. | 我们有三个孩子 |
Three teenagers at home. | 家里有三个青少年啊 |
But I can't tell her that I think it's crazy, | 可我不能告诉她我觉得这很离谱 |
because then... | 因为那样的话... |
she's just, she's gonna resent me forever. | 她会怨恨我一辈子 |
That's true. | 那倒是真的 |
And then this guy Ben, in her band. | 还有她乐队里那个本 |
I've met him a couple of times. | 我见过他几次 |
He has a thing for her. H-He, oh, | 他对她有意思他... |
he clearly has a thing for her... | 他明显对她有意思 |
Jack. It's Rebecca. | 杰克那可是丽贝卡 |
Wouldn't matter if this guy was Jeff Goldblum. | 就算是杰夫·高布伦来了都没关系 |
She only has eyes for you. | 她眼里只有你 |
Jeff Goldblum. Really? | 杰夫·高布伦不是吧 |
Have you seen Jurassic Park? | 看过《侏罗纪公园吗》吗 |