Zhen Shi-yin makes the Stone's acquaintance in a dream And Jia Yu-cun finds that poverty is not incompatible with romantic feelings.
甄士隐梦幻识通灵 贾雨村风尘怀闺秀
For a long time Vanitas stood lost in thought, pondering this speech. He then subjected the Story of the Stone to a careful second reading. He could see that its main theme was love; that it consisted quite simply of a true record of real events; and that it was entirely free from any tendency to deprave and corrupt. He therefore copied it all out from beginning to end and took it back with him to look for a publisher.
As a consequence of all this, Vanitas, starting off in the Void(which is Truth)came to the contemplation of Form(Which is Illusion); and from Form engendered Passion; and by communicating Passion, entered again into Form; and from Form awoke to the Void(whih is Truth). He therefore changed his name from Vanitas to Brother Amor, or the Passionae Monk,(because he had approached Truth by was of Passion), and changed the title of the book from The Story of the Stone to the Tale of Brother Amor.
Old Kong Mei-xi from the homeland of Confucius called the book A mirror for the Romantic. Wu Yu-feng called it A Dream of Golden Days. Cao Xueqin in his Nostalgia Studio worked on it for ten years, in the course of which he rewrote it no less than five times, dividing it into chapters, composing chapter headings, renaming it The Twelve Beautis of Jinling, and adding an introductory quatrain. Red Inkstone restored the original title when he recopied the book and added his second set of annotations to it.
东鲁孔梅溪则题曰《风月宝鉴》。后因曹雪芹于悼红轩中披阅十载,增删五次,纂成目录,分出章回,则题曰《金陵十二钗》。 至脂砚斋甲戌钞阅再评,仍用《石头记》。
This, then, is a true account of how The story of the Stone came to be written.
Pages full of idle words,
Penned with hot and bitter tears:
All men call the author fool;
None his secret message hears.
Contemplation is long, hard thinking about something. If you’re writing a book on the meaning of the universe, then you’re going to need to do a great deal of contemplation.
Contemplate has the word temple in its roots, and originally referred to the kind of thinking you do in a special space set aside for observation. Now we use it to describe any kind of thinking that we spend a long time doing. While clicking on someone’s photos on Facebook doesn’t count as contemplation, usually, you might spend hours in contemplation of your family and your history if you come across a box of old photos in the attic.
Annotations are simply notes or comments. If you have trouble understanding Shakespeare, you may want to buy a copy of "Hamlet" with annotations on each page that explain all the vocabulary words and major themes.
"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary" is the first line of Edgar Allan Poe's poem The Raven. Many a deep thinker has repeated it while musing. But if you've given up deep thinking, you may say instead, "Nevermore."