· 英译中
We move things forward, but we don’t do it alone. We do all our work in close collaboration with countries and communities to drive progress toward goals they’ve set – not the other way around. After all, while philanthropy can take risks and help fill gaps that would otherwise be overlooked or underfunded, it only makes a difference when it works in partnership with governments, the private sector, and local experts.
Wherever I go, I’m asked what the Gates Foundation is doing about two major topics: climate change and artificial intelligence. Our foundation’s approach to these issues illustrates how we think about the role of philanthropy, and our role specifically.
· 中译英
China is home to 56 ethnic groups. People of different ethnicities and communities are equal in enjoying human rights. With a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, the 56 ethnic groups are sticking together like the seeds of a pomegranate.
As a responsible major country, China plays an active part in global human rights governance. We have contributed efforts to the conclusion of a series of important international conventions and declarations on human rights. The vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind represents a shared aspiration of people of all countries. It also injects strong impetus into human rights protection worldwide.