搭建自己的Anki同步服务器 Anki自带的AnkiWeb同步服务体验较差,当你的单词库较大时,同步起来体验非常的差。因此我在腾讯云上自己搭建了...
Debate 1A: Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. Today, we are debating th...
说课与讲课的区别 原文来自百度文库说课与讲课的区别,侵删 为使各位考生更好地做好应试准备,经多方请教咨询,并结合以往经验,现对面试讲课谈如下看法...
Day13-下 Chapter8 想了一下,篇章的翻译你们可以用有道拍了直接翻译(推荐有道词典和有道翻译官,其实还可以装一个微软必应词典,有道A...
Day13 Chapter8 因为明天就要上新课了,今天争取把第八章里的都讲到 It is the fourth largest country...
Day12 Chapter6 The main ideas are time and eternity, history and the pre...
Day11 Chapter6 He advocated the principle of saving the decaying civiliz...
Day10 Chapter6 Joseph Conrad(1857-1924) is a Polish-born British novelis...
Day9 Chapter6 Those who advocated the new trend of Neo-Romanticism put e...