Silence please! 蓝色-降调 黑色-声调 黄色-平调 A: Those people in front of us are making so much noi...

Silence please! 蓝色-降调 黑色-声调 黄色-平调 A: Those people in front of us are making so much noi...
Elementary ‐ Small Talk 蓝色-降调 黑色-升调 黄色-平调 A: Morning. B: Hi there Mr. Anderson! How are...
Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ Learning Simple Math 蓝色-降调 黑色-升调 黄色-平调 A: Alright, children, ...
Elementary ‐ The Weekend ‐ Swim faster! 蓝色-降调 黑色-升调 黄色-平调 A: This is such a beautiful d...
Cut In Line 蓝色-降调 黑色-声调 黄色-平调 A: I can’t believe it took us two hours to get here. The ...
Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ The Butcher 蓝色-降调 黑色-升调 黄色-平调 Butcher: Hi. What can I get for...
Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ Where are you from? 蓝色-降调 黑色-升调 黄色-平调 A: Where to, miss? B: H...
Pizza Delivery 蓝色-降调 黑色-升调 黄色-平调 A: Good evening, Pizza House. This is Marty speaking. ...
Elementary ‐ Making an Appointment 蓝色-降调 黑色-升调 黄色-平调 A: Hello, Fairbrook Consulting, ho...
Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ Getting A Hair Cut 蓝色-降调 黑色-升调 黄色-平调 A: Hello there! Come on ...
Elementary ‐ Intermediate ‐ You Are Fired! 蓝色-降调 黑色-升调 黄色-平调 A: Hi Isabel! You wanted t...
Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ Which Finger? 蓝色-降调 黑色-升调 黄色-平调 A: ...The rings please. May t...
Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ Going To The Dentist 蓝色-降调 黑色-升调 黄色-平调 A: Hey, Gary, great to...
My New Boyfriend 蓝色-降调 黑色-升调 黄色-平调 A: I heard you were on a date last night! So, how di...
Elementary ‐ Where should we eat? 蓝色-降调 黑色-声调 黄色-平调 A: Do you two have any plans for th...
I’m in Debt 蓝色-降调 黑色-声调 黄色-平调 A: Hello, I’m here to see Mr. Corleone. B: Right this way...
I’m sorry, I love you 蓝色-降调 黑色-声调 黄色-平调 A: Whoa, whoa, what’s going on? Watch out! B: H...
Elementary ‐ I Need More Time 蓝色-降调 黑色-声调 黄色-平调 A: So, Casey, how are things going with...
Elementary‐DailyLife‐Will You Be My Girlfriend? 蓝色-降调 黑色-声调 黄色-平调 A: Hey, you’re early!...