240 发简信
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    1. today is a sunny day 2. impressed by the power of AI 3. bought one of...

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    Daily gratitude 20250131

    1. the dinner (fried rice) tastes good 2. uploaded my certificate of inr...

    0.1 35 0 2
  • Five things thati feel grateful for

    Recently, it becomes common that i feel suddenly moody when i am alone a...

    0.1 56 1 1
  • Don't forget to invest in self-improvement

    I had ever lived with my grandparents from age 11 to 19. The very merit ...

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    去年5月份我花了1800在英语流利说上报名了口语A+课程。学习提升3个等级就可以得到1000块的奖学金 到今年5月份,我连续+间歇性在英语流利说...

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    20230511 Daily gratitude

    1. A pretty girl shared her umbrella with me this morning. Although it i...

  • 230508 five things to be gratituded for

    l have be through a tough period of my life recently. Luckily I am stron...

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    保持高效专注的方法,亲测有效 《番茄工作法》


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    今天听了我的话的人,从此刻起就能够获得幸福。但是,做不到这一点的人也将永远无法获得幸福。—————奥斯卡·克里斯汀 《被讨厌的勇气》是一本通俗易...
