我喜欢千鸟格的外套,尤其是黑白千鸟格,最是戳中我心。I like houndstooth plaid coat, especially the black and white...
我喜欢千鸟格的外套,尤其是黑白千鸟格,最是戳中我心。I like houndstooth plaid coat, especially the black and white...
最近喜欢上了咖色,看见好多人穿咖色,很好看,我被迷住了。Recently, I fell in love with coffee color. I saw many peop...
请把每天都当做生命中的最后一天,Please treat every day as if it were your last.每天早晨一睁开开眼睛,就深呼一口气,做几个懒腰,...
尽管没有穿过毛呢大衣,我还是对她钟情不已。Although I didn't wear a woolen coat, I still fell in love with he...
衣服,衣服,俗话说,“佛要金装,人要衣装”说的就是穿衣打扮的重要性。Clothes, clothes, as the saying goes, "Buddha wants g...
Both writing and English work toghter 写作我所欲也,英语亦我所欲也,二者可以得兼。Writing is what I want, and...
我一再地提醒自己,想做什么立刻去做,不要思前想后,越想得多越拖延,甚至有很大可能不会做。I have repeatedly reminded myself to do wha...
昨天我写了一篇想学外语的文章,顺便用翻译器翻译成了英文,然后发表。Yesterday, I wrote an article that I wanted to learn a...
There is no other reason why I want to learn a foreign language, but I think it is too ...