

英文 中文
I'm pregnant. 我怀孕了
-Half your age?-I know. -只有你一半大?-我知道
It won't end well. He's got form, Niamh. Trust me. 不会有好结果的 他有前科 Niamh 相信我
Billy. Billy他
-We're not sure how he fits in.-What did you say, Miss? -我们不确定他能不能适应-你什么意思?
You want him out, Kate, 你想他出局
it's a bit bigger than a clerking issue. 这就不仅仅是法务助理的问题
Never underestimate what I know, John. 永远不要低估我
I want you to have a future. 我希望你拥有未来
-I can't go back inside.-I know. -我不能再回去里面的-我明白
Did you win? 赢了吗?
What did you get? 结果怎么样?
Do you want a lift or not? 你还想不想上车?
The rest of your aged debt. 这是拖欠的最后一点旧账
-All of it?-Yes. -所有的?-对
Thank you. 谢谢
Pleasure. 不客气
Can I just drop off a brief and pick up some papers? 我就进去放下诉讼状和拿些文件行吗?
No.-Ten minutes? -不行-就十分钟?

-No.-Five? -不行-五分钟?
Ah, all right. 啊 好吧
-What was that?-What? -怎么回事?-什么?
With the porter? 那个门卫
It's just charm.-Is that what it's called? -个人魅力呗-就这么简单?
The thing is with charm is that it works. 看上去是魅力发挥了作用
But then there's the big question - what's underneath it? 但有个很大疑问魅力下面是什么?
Are you all right? 你还好吧?
-Noah-Kate -Noah.-Kate.
-What's this?-Return. -这是什么?-发还重审
-From? -Me. -哪儿来的?-我
-Oh, it's Old Bailey. -That all right? -中央刑事法院的-还不错吧?
I've got a robbery trial starting at Southwark on the same day. 同一天我在Southwark有场抢劫案官司
Have you checked with Billy about this yet? 你和Billy说过这个吗?
Billy was born in Southend. Billy是在Southend出生的
You can think of it as quite near Norfolk. 你可以发现那里离Norfolk相当近
-I don't understand.-Not many black people in East Anglia... -我不明白-东英吉利没多少黑人...
and almost no Jews at all. 也几乎没有犹太人
No. Billy? No way. 不 Billy? 不可能
So ask yourself why else don't you get the work? 想想看为何你没活儿干?
You're 17 years call, Noah... 你在这儿有17年了 Noah...
I've checked with John, he's fine about the Bailey return. 我和John已经说过了 他对这个案子没意见
Old Street on Monday? 星期一在老街法院?
I can offer you Noah Zeigler. 我可以把Noah Zeigler派给你
What? 什么?
He's doing Miss Brockman's return. 他在做Brockman那个重审案
Can I call you back? 我等会再打给你好吗?
Suddenly you don't go through me any more? 忽然之间你做事不再经过我同意了?
That was some crappy solicitor offering some crappy work, 虽说是些很烂的事务律师找来的烂工作
but it could have been anyone on the phone. 但电话上的人有可能是任何人
How do I look, John? 我看起来如何 John?
Do I want to look like an idiot? 我想让自己看着像个白痴吗?
I know everything or we die in here. 我如果不事无巨细我们早就完蛋了
Sometimes you're not around. 有时候你并不在这儿
-Boys.-Hello, sir. -伙计们-你好 先生
-What?-You never call me "sir". -什么-你从不叫我 先生
What is this, some kind of victim thing? 怎么了 一副受害人的样子
Why would you say that? 你怎么这么说?
You're sounding a little bit paranoid. 你说话听起来有点偏执
You mean, I'm sounding a little bit Jewish. 你是说 我说话有点像犹太人

You are Jewish. 你是犹太人啊
I'm just going to ask you this, OK? 我只想问你个问题
What do you think of the Jews? 你对犹太人有什么看法?
Second favourite race of all time. 从来都是我第二喜欢的种族
Excuse me. Hello? 抱歉 喂?
Have you got any more details of the victim? 你有弄到关于受害人更多的细节了吗?
Bloody hell. OK, thanks. 真见鬼 好吧 谢了
-Billy?-Mark Draper.-What about him? -Billy?-是Mark Draper-他怎么了?
He's just been arrested. 他刚刚被逮捕了
It's not for cottaging this time, Miss. It's for murder. 这回可不是公厕淫乱 是谋杀
What do we know? 我们掌握了什么?
-Not much yet.-Why not? -还不多-为什么?
Just arrested, Miss. 刚被逮捕
Ok, well, I'll do the first appearance in the morning. 好吧 上午我会参加初次聆讯
It doesn't look good, 不太好吧
you knocking about a magistrates' court 你的皇家律师申请正当其时
when you're applying for silk. 还去地方法院
Yeah, well, looking good really doesn't matter. 嗯 不过 好不好真得不重要
-Your con's here, Miss.-What con? -你的委托人来了-什么委托人?
-Have I got a con? 我有委托人了?
Misconduct hearing, listed 2pm tomorrow, 行为不当的听证会 明天下午两点
Urquhart House. 在Urquhart House
A police officer? 是个警察?
I spend my life cross-examining lying police officers 我的生命就花在盘问谎话连篇的警察上
-how is this a good idea?-Asked for you, apparently. -这是哪门子好主意?-显然是指名找你
-What sort of misconduct?-It's a race thing, Miss. -什么样的行为不当?-种族歧视
A racist police officer? 一个种族歧视的警察?
Is that what you're giving me? 这就是你给我的?
Great! Just grea... 很好! 非常好...
Would you like to come through to my room? 请随我到办公室来
Send somebody proper for Mark Draper. 给Mark Draper找个像样的人去
Scalextric. 车模大赛
Best game we had when we was kids. 小时候最棒的游戏
But what always happened was when you accelerated, 可是当你加速的时候
one of the cars went berserk and flew off the first corner. 车往往会突然失控而滑出赛道
That is Martha right now, she is that car. Martha现在就是这种情况 她就是那辆车
Why? 为什么
What do you think, Jake? 你觉得呢 Jake?
What do you think can happen to make a Doris fly off the corners? 你觉得什么情况会让女神们失控?
She's pregnant? 她怀孕了?
You do not know this, all right? 你什么都不知道 懂了吗?
It is more than your life is worth. 这事儿关系重大
So she does the racist copper 让她做种族歧视的案子
cos there's no chance of winning, 是因为她根本不会赢
so she can sit down for four days. 这样她就可以休息四天
We've got to look after her, Jake, these next few months, 我们得照顾她 Jake 在接下来的几个月
we've got to keep her quiet, 我们要让她安静些
but she cannot know that we're doing that. 但绝不能让她知道我们在这么做
Did you say it? 你说出口了吗?
Yes. 是的
-Directed at a colleague?-Yes. -当着一个同事的面-是
It was in the middle of a public order situation on a Saturday afternoon? 是在一个周六下午执行治安任务的时候?
I was in a van with other officers. 我当时和其他警官坐在车里
And PC Johnson. 有Johnson警员
And you called PC Johnson... 你称呼Johnson警员为...
"a lazy nigger"? 一只懒黑鬼?
Why would you say a thing like that? 你为什么会这么说?
He was slow getting out of the van. 他下车太慢了
So we're pleading guilty? 我们打算认罪吗?
I don't want to. 我不想
I don't feel guilty. 我不觉得有罪
So what's the defence? 你的抗辩是什么?
I've worked very, very hard to get where I've got, 我付出了极大的努力才走到今天这个位置
and I don't want to lose it all. 我不想失去一切
A racist who works hard is still a racist. 种族主义者再怎么努力工作也还是个种族主义者
What's the defence? 你的抗辩是什么?
Ready? 走吧?
-Yeah.-Let me call you back. -好-我待会儿回你电话
-I promised her half an hour.-Half an hour of what? -我和她约了半小时-半小时去做什么?
-I think the junior end could do with some TLC.-Do you? -我觉得低职人员也可以得到安慰-真的吗?
-Is that your idea, John?-Yeah. -这是你的想法吗 John?-对
Since when do you have ideas? 你什么时候有自己的想法了?
All right, get on with your work. 好了 继续干活儿
He got all my aged debt in, 他把我的旧账都算进来了
he's here all day every day and he doesn't lie to you. 他无时无刻不在这儿 他也不骗你
What Billy does is invisible. Billy做的事都是隐着的
He works solicitors, 他和事务律师打交道
he does things we don't see, probably don't want to see. 他有些事我们不知道 也许他不想让人知道
He drinks and spends money. 喝酒和花钱
And we all think because he's out there drinking and spending 我们都觉得因为他出去喝酒花费
money it must mean that he's working on our behalf. He's not. 就以为他在为我们出力 他才不是
He's drinking and spending money. 他就是喝酒和花钱
I don't know, Kate. 我不知道 Kate
We're the grown ups 我们已经有资历了
we employ him, not the other way round. 是我们雇的他 不是他雇我们
Come for a drink. 来喝一杯吧
You know where we are. 你知道我们在哪儿
It was a joke. 那是个玩笑
What kind of a joke? 哪一种玩笑?
Police canteen in the 1970s kind of joke? 19世纪70年代警局餐厅里的那种玩笑?
It wasn't intended to be abusive. 我不是存心侮辱的
First trial I ever did - Marylebone Magistrates' Court, 我做的第一个案子 在Marylebone地方法院
2pm, Friday 15th May, 1995. 1995年5月15日周五下午两点
Dangerous driving - smacked into a lamp-post, 危险驾驶 撞上了路边的灯柱
just missing a pram with a baby in it. 刚好擦过一辆载着小孩子的婴儿车
The defence was, "I wasn't driving, it was my wife. 那次抗辩是'开车的不是我 是我的妻子'
"And then she walked away, 之后她离开了现场
leaving the scene and me in the car in the front seat, with my seat belt on." 留下了坐在前座还系着安全带的我
It was my first day in court 那是我第一次上庭
and I got six months. 结果我的委托人被判刑六个月
Why are you telling me this? 你为什么要告诉我这些?
Because it's the worst defence I've ever run in my life. 因为这是我所做过最糟糕的辩护
Until now. 直到现在
Can you give me a moment? 你能等一会儿吗?
-Where's Billy?-I don't know. -Billy人呢?-我不知道
You're asking me to do a remand in the youth court? 你要我去青少年法院做还押候审?
It's Miss Costello's rent boy. 是Costello的应召男孩
Yeah, but silk interviews are just around the corner, 对 可是皇家律师的面试就要开始了
what if someone sees me? 如果有人看见我怎么办?
Exactly. 就要这样
Quite nice for the client to meet you now 现在正是让委托人见你的好时候
in case Miss Costello isn't available to do the trial. 以防Costello女士没空做这个案子
High profile murder, at the Old Bailey, around the time 引人注目的谋杀案 在中央刑事法院
decisions about silk are being made. 正是选定皇家律师的关头上
Why wouldn't she be available? 为什么她没空?
Well, you know, things happen, don't they, sir? 呃 事有不凑巧 对吧 先生?
You know how it goes. 你懂的
What kind of high profile? 有多引人注目?
Sorry. Left these in here. 抱歉 忘了这个
You don't smoke, do you? 你不是不抽烟吗?
Um, Mark Draper? 呃 Mark Draper?


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