

英文 中文
-Half your age?-I know. -她年龄才只有你一半大?-我知道
It's wrong, it won't end well. 这样不行 不会有好结果的
-He knows it's against the rules.-Billy. -他知道这违反了规定-Billy
We're not sure how he fits in to modern life. 我们不确定他是怎么适应现代生活的
What do you say, Miss? 你是什么意思?
When you've had fifteen years at the Bar, 你要是有15年的律师经验
I might be interested in your opinion. 我可能有兴趣听下你的意见
Now, you don't exist. 但你现在什么都不是
This is not about me. 这事不在于我
This is about who the jury believes. 在于陪审团会相信谁
So... Abortion Act, 1967. 那么...堕胎法案 1967年通过
Let's book you in, shall we? 我们先预约 好吗?
Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa. 嘿! 喔 喔 喔
Well, you're in front of Donovan, so you never know. 呃 你要面对的是Donovan 结局难测
Why are you here? 你为什么在这儿?
The client needs to know the result quickly. 当事人想尽快知道结果
Is the client all right? 当事人还好吗?
Why would I grant bail to a 16-year-old 为什么我要给一个有四页前科记录
with four pages of form and a trial date a few days away? 还有几天就要接受审判的16岁男孩批准保释?

Why would I do that? 我为什么要批准?
-Good morning, Your Honour.-Good morning, Miss Costello. -早上好 法官大人-早上好 Costello女士
Gross indecency. Public place. Broad daylight. 光天化日下 公共场合 当众猥亵
Could go to prison for some time, if convicted. 要是被定罪 够他在监狱里呆一阵子
Why would I take the risk? 我什么要冒这个险?
It's his mother's funeral tomorrow afternoon. 他母亲的葬礼在明天下午举行
-That's a prison issue.-Yes, but they can't, -我们讨论的是监禁-对 但是他们不能
or they won't, take him. 或者说不会 带他去
-He's threatening to commit suicide. -Emotional blackmail. -他有自杀倾向-这是苦肉计
Four suicides in the last three years 过去三年内在关押Mark Draper的监狱里
where Mark Draper is being held and 38 serious attempts. 发生了4起自杀和38起自杀未遂事件
They're not very good at keeping vulnerable children safe. 他们无法保证这些无助少年的生命安全
You're saying 你的意思是
he'd be less safe in custody than he would be on bail? 他呆在监狱里还不如获释外出安全?
That's a brave proposition for any member of the Bar to put. 法律界很少有人会给出这么大胆的说法
Braver still for a judge to act on it. 如果法官能同意的话那才叫勇敢
Are you flattering me, Miss Costello? 你在奉承我吗 Costello小姐?
I wouldn't try that on someone with Your Honour's integrity. 我不会试图奉承正直的法官大人您的
He's 16 years old, his mother is dead 他才16岁 他的母亲去世了
and he wants to say goodbye to her. 他想同她作最后的告别
-Is there a father on the scene?-No. -他父亲会在场吗-不会
Where would he stay? 那他会住在哪里?
There has to be a residence condition - and a proper one 必须有一个适当的固定住所
- so that a curfew can be enforced. 这样才能实行宵禁
I'm sorry, I really am, 抱歉 我也想同意
but I can't grant unconditional bail. 但我不能批准不符合条件的保释
Martha Martha.
35 Maverley Street, NW5. Maverley街35号 西北5区
Whose address is that? 谁的地址?
Michael Connolly, Your Honour. Michael Connolly 法官大人
My instructing solicitor. 委托我的事务律师
That IS a brave proposition. 相当勇敢的主张
You're one of a kind, Michael Connolly. 你真与众不同 Michael Connolly
Just trying to do what people should have been doing for him a long time ago. 只是尽力去做人们早该为他做的事罢了
-What's stopping them?-He is. -是什么让他们望而却步了?-他自己
And... And the nice man that got chatting to Mark 还有... 还有三年前在Leicester广场的电玩城里
three years ago in an amusement arcade in Leicester Square. 那个和Mark聊天的好心人
Pimp? 皮条客?
Uh-huh. Mark's been on remand for four months. 啊哈 Mark已被关押了四个月
Away from his pimp. 远离了那个皮条客

This is our chance, Martha. 我们的机会来了 Martha
-Miss?-Jake. -女士?-Jake
-Do you want to thank me for the listing?-What? -你要感谢我的安排吗?-什么?
I'm not sure any other judge in that building 我想那栋楼里的其他法官
would have given your boy bail. 可不一定会给你的当事人批准保释
Ah. Thank you, Billy. 啊 谢谢 Billy
He's always quite fancied you, old Donovan. 老Donovan 他一直都很喜欢你
You really know how to make a girl feel good. 你可真会讨女人欢心
-Thanks, Miss.-You're the best there is, Miss. -谢谢 小姐-你是这儿最棒的
I bet you say that to every member of Chambers. 我敢打赌你对律师会所有人都这么说
Ah, you're a product, 你是个抢手货
Miss, with a USP I can sell over and over again. 只要有卖点我就可以大卖特卖
When I put you up for something, 每当我推举你
everybody knows what they're getting. 所有人都知道他们会收获什么
What are they getting? 他们会收获什么?
Now you're just fishing. 你在试探我
I'm pregnant. 我怀孕了
Can you sell that? 你能把它卖出去吗?
I thought barristers weren't allowed to wear their robes outside court? 我还以为律师在法庭外是不允许穿长袍的
Do I care about rules like that? 我会在意这种小事吗?
-The Lord Chief.-Hi, Bob.-Hello, Niamh. -首席法官-嗨 Bob-你好 Niamh
Bob? Bob, the Lord Chief? Bob? 你叫首席法官Bob?
What kind of pupil are you, Niamh Cranitch? 你到底什么来头啊 Niamh Cranitch?
First time in 15 years 15年来头一回
I've known something about my own life before you do. 我比你先一步知道我自己的事
You don't know what to do, do you? 你不知道怎么办 对吗?
We'll manage this. 我们会处理好的
When a barrister comes back to Chambers in his wig and gown, 当一个律师一身律师袍行头回到律师会来
what's he saying, Jakey boy? 有什么含义来着 小Jakey?
He wants everybody to know he's been over the road in the Court of Appeal? 他想炫耀他从上诉法院获胜而归
Bang on. 正解
Clerking in his blood. 天生就是当助理的料
-Don't tell anyone, Billy.-Of course. -替我保密 Billy-当然
-Hello?-Good result, Sir? -喂?-好消息 先生?
It'll be in the Times Law Reports. 会登上泰晤士报的法制专栏的
good publicity for Chambers, which is what matters. 主要是能给我们律师做宣传
You're the best there is, Sir. 你是这儿最棒的
-Billy?-Two minutes, Miss. -Billy?-两分钟就好
-In court this morning, Martha?-Just a bail application. -早上去法院了Martha?-只是个保释申请
Nothing, really. 真没什么
-Yes, Miss?-Aged debt. -有事吗?-旧账
-Miss?-9,000 I'm owed, dating back two years. -什么?-两年前你欠了我9000镑
-Well, I've tried...-No, you haven't. -呃 我一直想...-不 你一直没有
What's that, Miss? 你想说什么?
Your don't want to rock the boat with big solicitors 你不会想跟那些德高望重的律师闹翻吧
by demanding payment for a junior member 拖欠新人的报酬
when the same solicitors bring the senior end so much heavy work. 给老员工分配繁重的工作
-That's not true.-You're lying. -没这回事儿-你在说谎
I can read your face like a book. 你有什么心思我一眼就能看出来
OK. Quid pro quo. 好吧 作为补偿
The money is tight at the junior end, 给初级成员的资金预算很紧张
so there's no room for new tenants. 所以说没有位置给新人
I don't want any newcomers taking a bite of my small pie. 我不想有任何新人来瓜分我的小蛋糕
We say no to both of them. Agreed? 我们把他俩都拒绝 同意?
That's for Chambers to vote on. 这是由律师会全体成员一起表决的
Not many go against what you want. 他们不至于都会反对你吧
-Pupil.-Yeah? -实习生 -嗯?
Turnbull and everything since. 整理出关于Turnbull的资料
I need all the case law by 6pm. 6点前我要看到所有的判例法
Yeah, I don't actually have.. 呃 我其实没有..
-Yes?-Nothing. -有问题吗? -没有
Good luck. 祝你好运
Been a while since we co-defended. 我们已有一段时间没有做同案辩护了
-Have we ever? -September 1999. -我们合作过吗? -1999年9月
Multi-handed common assault, Hendon Mags. 聚众袭击罪 在Hendon Mags法院
We went in there, all wigs blazing. 我们走进去 一排亮闪闪的假发
We killed them, all of us walked. It was unforgettable. 把对方打得落花流水 教人相当难忘啊
Except you don't wear wigs in a magistrates court. 是啊 除了你在地方法院不戴假发
Yeah, well, metaphorically speaking. 啊 打个比方而已
Er, Noah, I was just wondering if I could borrow your Archbold? Noah 我可以借一下你的Archbold吗?
No, sorry, 不行 抱歉
I don't bring it into Chambers when I don't need it. 不需要时我不会把它带到律师会来
Mr Zeigler, Andrew Wiles, your con is here. Zeigler先生 Andrew Wiles 你的委托人来了
The cottaging? You're having a con in Chambers? 那个公厕淫乱的? 你在律师会里见委托人?
Yes. You're not? 是啊 你不是有吗?
No, five minutes, morning of the trial. 才没有 开审前五分钟就够了
It's not like legal aid's got money to throw about. 这可不像法律援助那样拿钱到处乱砸
-Sorry about the Archbold.-Don't worry. -抱歉 Archbold的事帮不上忙 -没关系
What he means is that he spends no time in Crown Court, 他想说他不用去皇家刑事法院
so he doesn't actually need his Archbold. 所以他不需要看Archbold
It hasn't left home in years. 已经在他家里封尘了
-Where's yours?-On order. -你的呢?-刚订购
If you'd care to follow me, Dr Wiles, Wiles博士 如果你想找我的话
my office is just upstairs. 我的办公室就在楼上
You all right? 你还好吧?
-Hello.-Hi. -你好-嗨
Mark, this is Martha Costello. Mark 这是Martha Costello
That man there, Michael Connolly, 坐在那儿的人 Michael Connolly
I can't tell you what professional risks he's taking 我无法告诉你他承担着怎样的职业风险
by having you on bail in his house. 将你保释出来到他家里
Don't betray that trust. 不要辜负他的信任
Is that your sports car in the car park? 停车场里那辆跑车是你的吗?
Yeah. 是的
Where are you from, Mark? 你来自哪里 Mark?
Stoke. 斯托克
It's a dump. 一个破地方
It's a horrible, miserable dump. 一个充斥着可怕和痛苦的地方
But they do have Rory Delap. 但他们有Rory Delap
You haven't really given Michael any instructions 你还没向Michael说明任何事
and we need instructions. 我们需要你的说明
I wasn't doing anything. 我当时什么都没做
Do you spend time in that park? 你在那个公园里呆过吗?
No. 没有
Never been there before. 之前从没去过那里
And the toilet. 那个公厕
It's a notorious cottage, is it? 是个臭名昭著的同性恋淫窝 对吧?
I don't know. 我不知道
It was the first time I'd ever been there 我是第一次去那
and I was just taking a piss and the copper jumped us. 我撒尿的时候突然警察就把我们抓了
How old were you when you started working, Mark? 你几岁开始工作的 Mark?
Can I tell Martha? 我能告诉Martha吗?
13. 13岁
-He ran away from home and came to London.-Drugs? -他离家出走来到了伦敦-吸毒?
I don't do drugs. 我不碰毒品
-My Mum...-That's what he's running away from. -我妈妈...-他想逃离的就是这个
She died of a heroin overdose. 她吸入过量海洛因而死的
I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
Glue? 吸胶毒?
Tell me about the people who were arrested with you. 说说和你一块儿被抓的那些人吧


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