

英文 中文
A third of the land on our planet is desert. 我们星球上1/3的陆地是沙漠
These great scars on the face of the Earth appear to be lifeless, 这些地球脸上的大伤疤看似毫无生机
but surprisingly none are. 然而令人吃惊的是并非如此
In all of them life manages somehow to keep a precarious hold. 在所有沙漠中 生命总能以某些方式闪现
Not all deserts are hot. 沙漠并非都是炎热的
Fifty-mile-an-hour winds blowing in from Siberia 西伯利亚的寒风以50英里的时速
bring snow to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. 夹杂着风雪横扫蒙古戈壁沙漠
From a summer high of 50 degrees centigrade 虽然夏季气温高达50℃
the temperature in midwinter can drop to minus 40, 但是到了冬至却能降至零下40℃
making this one of the harshest deserts of all. 使得这里成为一片最荒凉的沙漠
Few animals can survive these extreme changes. 只有少许动物能适应 这种极端的气候变化
Wild Bactrian camels, 野双峰驼
one of the rarest mammals on the planet. 一种地球上最稀有的哺乳动物
And perhaps the hardiest. 可能也是最坚韧的动物
Their biggest problem is the lack of water, 它们最大的困难莫过于缺水
particularly now, in winter, 尤其是现在——冬天
when the little there is is locked up as ice. 那里仅有的一点水也结成了冰
Surprisingly, snow here never melts. 奇怪的是 这里的雪永远都不会融化
The air is just too cold and too dry for it to do so. 又冷又干的空气使它们无法解冻

The sun's rays turn it straight into vapour. 阳光把它们直接变成了水蒸气
It evaporates. 它们升华了
But it is the only source of water, 可是这是唯一的水源
so Bactrian camels eat it. 所以双峰驼只能吃雪
Elsewhere in the world 在世界上其它地方
a camel at a waterhole can drink as much as 200 litres during a single visit. 一只骆驼找到水坑后能一次喝下200升水
Here the strategy is to take little and often. 但在这里的饮水策略却是少而频繁
And with good reason, 这当然有充分的理由
for filling the stomach with snow could be fatal. 因为肚子里装满雪将是致命的
The camels must limit themselves to the equivalent of just 10 litres a day. 骆驼必须限定自己 每天只能吃10升左右的雪
Winter is the time for breeding. 冬季是交配时节
This extraordinary performance is a male Bactrian camel's way of attracting the attention of a passing female. 这种奇怪的表演是公双峰驼 吸引路过的母骆驼的一种方式
In summer the camels can't stray far from waterholes. 在夏天 骆驼不能远离水坑
But now, with mouthfuls of snow lying everywhere 可是现在 遍地都是唾手可得的雪
they can travel widely in search of mates. 它们便能长途跋涉寻找配偶
Today less than a thousand of these desert specialists remain in the wild. 今天 这些沙漠专家的 野生数量已不足1000只
The Gobi, hostile though it is, is their last stronghold. 戈壁尽管环境险恶 却是它们最后的据点
There's no other desert quite like the Gobi, 别的沙漠都和戈壁不太一样
but why is this place a desert? 为什么这里会成为沙漠呢
There is one simple and massive cause - 这里有一个简单而又重要的原因
the Himalayas. 喜马拉雅山脉
Clouds blowing from the south hit this gigantic barrier. 从南方过来的暖湿气流 撞上了这面巨大的屏障
As they're forced upwards 在被迫抬升的过程中
so they empty their moisture on the mountain slopes, 水汽在山坡上逐渐凝结
leaving little for the land on the other side. 只有一小部分到达另一边的土地
From the space deserts are very conspicuous. 从太空中看 沙漠非常显眼
Dunes of sand hundreds of miles long streak their surface. 绵延数百英里的沙丘像是一条条皱边花纹
With no cloak of vegetation to conceal them 由于没有植被覆盖
strange formations are exposed in the naked rock. 赤裸的岩石显露出奇特的造型
Africa's Sahara is the largest desert of all. 非洲的撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠
It's the size of the United States 它的面积相当于美国
and the biggest source of sand and dust in the entire world. 也是全世界最大的沙尘源
Sandstorms like these appear without warning 如此巨大的沙暴出现时毫无征兆
and reduce visibility for days over areas the size of Britain. 所到之处能见度骤降为零几天内横扫的地区比英国还大
Dromedaries, single-humped camels, take these storms in their stride. 单峰驼——只有一个肉峰的骆驼顶着沙暴大步行走
The heaviest sand rises only a few metres above the ground, 最重的沙子只能离开地面几米
but the dust can be blown 5,000 metres up into the sky. 但是尘埃却能被吹上5000多米高的天空
The ferocious wind, armed with grains of sand, 夹杂着沙粒的强风
is the agent that shapes all deserts. 塑造了各种沙漠地形
Reptiles have armoured scaly skins that protect them from the stinging grains. 爬行动物的皮肤覆盖着鳞甲能抵御刺痛的沙粒

For insects the bombardment can be very severe indeed. 而昆虫则得遭受猛烈“炮火”的轰击
The only escape is below the surface. 唯一的藏身之处当然是在沙子下面
As the winds rise and fall, swallow and eddy 随着风的起落、侵蚀和旋绕
so they pile the sand into dunes. 沙子被堆成了一座座沙丘
These sand scenes can be hundreds of miles across. 这些沙漠布景可宽达数百英里
In Namibia the winds have built some of the biggest dunes in the world. 在纳米比亚 风塑造了 一些世界上最大的沙丘
Star dunes like these can be 300 metres high. 这些巨型沙丘高达300多米
Grains, swept up the flanks, are blown off the crests of the ridges 斜坡上吹起的沙粒 在沙丘顶部的边棱处飞扬
so it's only the tops that are moving. 所以沙丘移动的部分只是顶部
The main body of these dunes may not have shifted for 5,000 years. 这些沙丘的主体 可能已有5000多年未曾移动
Few rocks can resist the continuous blast of the sand carrying wind. 岩石很难抵挡风沙持续不断的摧残
These outcrops are standing in Egypt's White Desert. 这些石头如今矗立在埃及的白色沙漠中
But they will not do so for much longer. 但它们也坚持不了多久
They're being inexorably chiseled away and turned into more sand. 它们正被无情地凿碎 变成更多的沙粒
Now lumps of heavily eroded rocks have been marooned in a sea of sand. 现在 这些严重侵蚀的石块 已被放逐在沙海之中
These jagged pyramids a hundred metres tall 这些高达100多米的锯齿般的石锥
were once part of a continuous rocky plateau. 曾经是一整块岩石高地的一部分
The blasting sand will eventually eliminate them altogether. 强悍的风沙最终将使它们完全消失
The relentless power of the wind ensures that the face of a desert is continually changing. 风的无情力量总是使沙漠的面貌不断改变
But there is one constant presence - 但是有一样东西永远都会存在
the desert sun. 沙漠的太阳
The sun's heat and power to evaporate water 太阳的热力使水蒸发
has had a profound effect on the bodies and habits of everything that lives here. 这对所有生活在这里的动物的 身体和习性都有极其深远的影响
This sun potentially is a killer. 在这里 太阳将会成为杀手
And the red kangaroos must acknowledge that. 红大袋鼠必须意识到这一点
Right now, while the sun is low, 此时 太阳还未升起
there's no immediate cause for concern. 并没有直接危及到生命
But this situation won't last long. 但是这种情况不会持续多久
Australia is the world's most arid continent with blistering daytime temperatures. 澳大利亚是世界上最干旱的大陆整个白天酷热难当
Every hour the temperature rises by five degrees centigrade. 每过一小时 气温就将升高5℃
Soon the heat will reach a critical point. 热度很快就会达到临界点
Any kangaroo out in the open is in serious danger of overheating. 任何一只呆在外面的袋鼠 都将面临中暑的威胁
In the full sun the temperature on the ground soars to 70 degrees. 待到阳光最毒辣之时地面温度已升高至70℃
By midday the radiation is so intense they must take shelter. 到了正午 太阳的炙焰 迫使它们不得不寻找庇荫处
In the shade they're shielded from much of the sun's energy 在树荫下 它们虽然避开了太阳的能量
but their body temperature can still rise. 但它们的体温仍在升高
So they lick saliva on to their forearms 所以它们将唾液抹在前臂上
where there is a network of blood vessels close to the surface of the skin 那里的血管网比较贴近皮肤表层
and, as the saliva evaporates, their blood is cooled. 因此 当唾液蒸发时 血液也能得到冷却
This thermal image shows just how effective the process is. 这幅热影像能证明这种方法非常有效
The blue areas on the body are the cooler parts. 身上蓝色的部分是较冷的部位
As the saliva dries it has to be replaced 唾液干了之后还得重新抹上
and this is a real drain on the kangaroo's body fluids. 袋鼠真正排放出去的体液也就是这些
Even in the shade the earth is baking hot 即使是在树荫下 土地照样被烤得火热
so the kangaroos dig away the warmed topsoil 于是袋鼠刨去灼烫的表层沙土
to get at the cooler ground beneath. 贴近下面较冷的地面
By staying in the shade and licking to control their body temperature 通过呆在树荫下并利用舔唾液的方法控制体温
kangaroos manage to get through the hottest part of the day 袋鼠便能熬过一天中最热的时段
without heat stroke. 而不至于中暑
But for the majority of desert animals 但是对于大多数沙漠动物来说
this strategy would not be enough for survival. 光凭这些手段还不足以在此生存
The extraordinary ears of the fennec foxes of Africa radiate heat 非洲的耳廓狐长有奇特的大耳它们能散发热量
but the animals have another way of keeping cool. 不过动物也有其它保持凉爽的方法
They spend their days underground 它们白天呆在地下
and only emerge at sunset. 直到日落之后才会出现
Darkness brings huge changes. 夜晚的情况变得很不一样
In the Sahara the temperature can drop as much as 30 degrees during the night, 在撒哈拉沙漠中晚上的气温会下降整整30℃
so it's cool enough to allow these desert fox cubs to play. 在如此凉爽的时候小耳廓狐也能尽情玩耍
All sorts of creatures now appear 此时各种各样的动物都开始现身
including some really unexpected ones. 包括一些意想不到的动物
Toads have permeable skins 蟾蜍长着透水的皮肤
and would quickly die from desiccation out in the daytime heat. 若是在白天的高温下它们很快就会因为脱水而死
It's only now that they can leave shelter. 所以只有到了晚上它们才能离开庇护所
The same is true for scorpions, 蝎子也是同样的情况
even though their shells are actually watertight. 尽管它们的外壳其实并不透水
In fact, most small desert creatures are nocturnal. 事实上 大多数小型沙漠动物 都是夜行动物
so it's only now that you can judge just how much life there can be in the desert. 所以只有此时你才能判断 沙漠中究竟有多少生物
But moisture, lost even at night, has to be replaced sometime somehow 可是水分在晚上也会损耗必须在什么时候想办法补充
and that problem dominates the lives of all desert dwellers. 这一问题支配着所有沙漠动物的生活
The Atacama in Chile. 智利的阿塔卡马沙漠
This is the driest desert in the world. 这里是世界上最干旱的沙漠
Some parts may not see rain for fifty years 有的地方可能连续5年不会下一滴雨
and with such a record 既然有了这一纪录
you'd expect the place to be completely barren. 不难想象这个地方定是彻底的荒芜
These are South America's camels, guanacos. 这些是南美洲的骆驼——原驼
They're very good at conserving moisture 它们非常善于保存水分
but they nonetheless need a regular supply of water. 但它们仍须定期补充水
They get it partly from cactus flowers 其中一部分水取自仙人掌花
but that explanation raises another question. 但这里又牵扯出另一个问题
How do the cacti survive without rain? 仙人掌为何能在这个无雨地带生存
Hot winds suck all the moisture from the surface of the land. 热浪抽干了地面上所有的水分
Clearly there must be something else that takes the place of rain. 显然 这里必须有其它东西 能代替雨水的作用
The secret is a cold sea current that runs parallel to the land. 答案就是一股与陆地平行的寒冷洋流
The cold water cools the moist warm air above it 冷水使得上方的暖湿气流冷却
and that produces banks of fog. 形成一团团的雾霾
At the same time wind blowing on to the shore sweeps the fog inland. 与此同时 吹向海岸的风将雾气带上陆地
Before long the cacti are dripping with dew. 不久之后 雾凝结成了露水
The fog is so regular 雾经常会出现
that moisture loving lichens are able to grow on the cacti 就连喜湿的地衣也能在仙人掌上生长
and they absorb liquid like a sponge. 它们像海绵一样吸收着水汽
In the land of almost no rain 在一个几乎没有雨的地方
these precious drops are life-savers for many different creatures. 这些宝贵的水滴是许多动物的救命物资
Further inland the air remains so warm that its moisture does not condense 在更远的内陆地区空气一直十分灼热 水汽无法凝结
so this slender strip of desert is virtually the only part of the Atacama where life can exist. 因此这个狭长地带实际上是 阿塔卡马沙漠中唯一的生命绿洲
Without the fog, 如果没有雾
this land, too, would be empty. 这片土地也将成为不毛之地
The guanacos make the most of the dew 原驼尽量舔吮露水
but it will not remain for long. 因为它们不会保留多久
In an hour or two the sun will have burnt it off 1~2小时后 太阳将使它们蒸发
and dry the surface of the cacti. 仙人掌表面将回复干燥
The Sonoran desert in Arizona is not quite so dry as the Atacama - 亚利桑那州的索诺兰沙漠 并不像阿塔卡马沙漠那样干旱


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