

英文 中文
The plant loved so much by the British, 我们英国人热爱饮茶
we made it our very own national drink. 并将茶视为国饮
The thirst for tea led the British on an extraordinary adventure, 对茶的渴求让英国人开启了一段非凡之旅
travelling across the globe in search of this precious leaf. 我们越洋跨海只为寻找这种珍贵的叶子
Now I'm going to make that journey. 现在我将踏上这寻茶古道
I'm going to show you how our nice cup of tea 带你们去领略我们的这杯好茶
brought East and West together. 是如何拉近东西距离
How it triggered wars. 如何引爆战争
Helped us win them and even sparked the occasional revolution. 如何帮我们赢取胜利甚至触发革命的
Hear ye, hear ye! 注意了都听好了
From the back streets of Kolkata to the soaring skyline of Shanghai, 从加尔各答的幽深小巷到上海的摩天大楼
we'll be delving into a world of chai wallahs, 我们将带您深入到印度奶茶
opium smokers and cross elephants. 鸦片瘾君子以及大象的世界一探究竟
And we're going to find out how this exotic fragrant leaf 我们也将揭示这种异国香叶
became an indispensable part of the British way of life. 是如何成为英国人生活不可或缺的一部分的
Tea is a social drink. 茶叶是一种社交饮品
You make a cup of coffee, you make a pot of tea. 你泡一杯咖啡沏一壶茶
How it helps us connect and pulls us together. 它如何协助我们联络感情团结一心
It can console you, there's the warmth and the ritual. 那种温暖和礼仪可以给人安慰


You've got to boil the kettle, get the sugar, 你得先烧壶水备好糖
ask what they want, engage with them. 看看大家要什么口味和他们熟络起来
How it keeps us going. 它又如何推动着我们前行
We can't really manage without it. 成为我们生活的必需品
One day, I decided to try to have a complete day without tea. 有天我决定开启"无茶模式"
I was quite shaken. 我变得心烦意乱
I was quite disturbed. 焦躁不安
So, how did we get to be so crackers about tea? 那我们为何对茶如此疯狂呢
Out of all the drinks in all the world, 大千世界如此多的饮品
why are we addicted to this one? 为何偏钟爱于它呢
I tell you what, put the kettle on, 我来告诉你把水烧上
let's have a nice cup of tea and find out. 让我们一边品着茶一边寻找答案
Hi. Cup of tea, please. 你好来杯茶谢谢
This is such a familiar thing, isn't it, to most of us. 这种场景对多数人来说是否再熟悉不过
To come into a caff, plonk ourselves down, have a cup of tea. 来到一间小茶馆坐下来点上杯茶
Thank you. Thanks. 谢谢多谢
We are a nation of tea drinkers. 我们是一个爱喝茶的国家
It's a very British thing to have a nice cup of tea. 泡杯好茶喝是件很英国范儿的事
It's a dull, brown, 是日常生活当中
mundane accompaniment to our ordinary life. 平淡无奇的调剂品
But tea is extraordinary. 但是茶非同一般
And the passion the British felt for it 英国人对它的热情
altered history, started wars, 改变过历史发动过战争
drove the British Empire, 推动过大英帝国的壮大
changed political alliances. 也更替过政治盟友
And it's just a little leaf. 只要一小片叶子
A little leaf and a bud, and it transformed the world. 一小片叶子和嫩芽改变了整个世界
Tea is the most popular drink on the planet, 全世界除了水最大众的饮品当属茶
after water, which doesn't really count. 而水严格说还算不上是饮品
In this country alone, we get through more than 60 billion cups a year. 仅英国一年就要消耗600亿杯茶
And it's trickled down through our society, 它流淌于我们整个社会
starting at the top, naturally. You can't trickle upwards. 当然是从上层社会流下总不能向上流
- Is this Earl Grey?- This is Earl Grey. -这是伯爵红茶吗-是的
Tea in Britain started life as an aristocratic luxury. 茶在英国最初是贵族享受的奢饰品
But it spilled out from our stately homes to every old home 但它渐渐从豪宅蔓延到每一家老人院
and every cafe and cab rank. 每一间咖啡馆和计程车站
To ballrooms and building sites. 舞会乃至建筑工地
All I'd say is it's a long day without a cup of tea. 要我说一天不喝茶都太难熬
It's a very long day without a cup of tea. 真的很难熬
And in the brave new world of macchiatos and flat whites, 即便是在玛奇朵和白咖啡的新天地里


we still get through nearly three teas for every coffee. 茶的饮用量还几乎是咖啡的三倍
How much do you drink, Tracy, in a day? 你一天要喝多少杯茶特雷西
- Six, seven, eight. - It's good for you. -六七八杯-对你有好处
Cup of tea, cup of tea, cup of tea. 来杯茶来杯茶来杯茶
You've just got to take care of yourself. 你必须要好好照顾自己
And somehow for us, it's more than just a hot drink. 而冥冥中茶对我们而言不仅只是杯热饮了
It's become the answer to everything. 它已然成为一切事物的答案
A nice cup of tea. 来杯好茶吧
More than just a soap opera staple, 除了肥皂剧的常驻道具
tea was part of our finest hour. 茶也在我们决战时刻扮演着角色
It played a big part, let me tell you. 戏份很重老实告诉你
To be without tea was to be without life, flying, you know. 没了茶就像没了生命一样飘忽不定
Somehow, drinking tea has become part of being British. 莫名地喝茶成了英国人的一种习惯
Part of our DNA. 生命中不可缺少的一部分
You need it to wind down from the stress. It keeps you calm. 它帮你缓解压力放松心情让你冷静
And it doesn't get more English than a cup of tea. 且没有比一杯茶让你更有英格兰范儿的了
But tea isn't English or British. 但茶叶既不是英格兰也不是英国的
I have to break the news to you, it's foreign. 我不得不扫大家兴了它是舶来品
And the story of tea starts almost 5,000 years ago, 而茶叶的历史要追溯到约5000年前
almost 5,000 miles in that direction. 来自近5000英里外的一个国度
There's nearly 40 different countries growing tea now, 现在种植茶叶的国家近40个
but in the 17th century, 但早在17世纪
when we got our first taste of it, 在我们的舌尖初次与它邂逅的时候
it was only grown in one country, China. 只有一个国家种植茶叶那就是中国
China then was a secretive and mysterious country 那时的中国保守而又神秘
closed off from the West. 与西方世界相隔绝
But their tea, and our need for it, would change all that. 但他们的茶及我们对它的需求改变了一切
Modern China is a nation of 1.3 billion people. 当代中国有13亿的人口
A 21st Century superpower. 是21世纪的超级大国
And it's the first step on my great tea odyssey. 而它就是我"踏访茶乡"伟大征程的首站
Well, we've just landed in China. 我们刚抵达中国
This is Shanghai International Airport. 这是上海国际机场
Just a little hint, 给个小贴士
bright-coloured tags on your luggage make it easier to identify. 给行李贴个亮眼的标签更好找
That's it, that's me. 就是这个是我的
Let's go and discover the exciting history of tea, shall we? 让我们开始激动人心的"茶史之旅"吧
When the first tea traders from the British East India Company 当东印度公司的第一批茶商
arrived down the coast in Canton, 来到广东沿岸时
it was just the halfway point in a hazardous round trip 他们才完成了这险象环生的旅程的一半
that would take more than two years. 那时候往返一趟要两年多
So I shouldn't really complain about my journey, 所以对我这趟飞机加短途超速列车的旅途
a flight and then a short ride in a fast machine. 真没什么好抱怨的了
This is the Maglev, 这是磁悬浮列车
short for magnetic levitation, obviously, 为磁力悬浮的简称
they say the fastest train in the world. 中国人说它是世界上最快的火车
I've sent a party of train spotters on ahead 我提前派了一些火车迷过来
just to check the Chinese haven't made that up. 就为确认下我们没被忽悠
So...we're whizzing into Shanghai. 就这样嗖嗖几下我们就要进上海了
And, yes, it's fast. 是的真的很快
So is the British Pendolino. 跟英国摆式列车有一拼了
Let's just think about tea, shall we? 我们还是把重点放在茶上吧
We think of ourselves as a nation of tea drinkers, 我们标榜自己是一个爱喝茶的国度
but the Chinese make more tea than anywhere else in the world. 但中国人喝的茶比其他任何地方都要多
And they were drinking it long before 早在我们还不知茶为何物的时候
we'd even heard of it. 他们已经开始品茶了
But once we did hear about it, 但一旦我们知道了
and once we'd tasted it, we loved it. 品尝了便爱上了
And if we wanted to get it, this is where we had to come. 而若我们想得到它就得到这儿来了
Shanghai played a huge role 在中英两国关于茶的故事中
in the story of China, Britain and tea. 上海扮演着重要的角色
When we went tea crazy, 当我们开始为茶痴狂的时候
we were desperate to open Shanghai up to trade. 我们迫切地想打开上海对外贸易的大门
Which we probably didn't do in the most tactful way. 只不过"打开方式"不太对
I'm coming to that later. But it's partly because of tea 这点我们稍后再说但是一定程度上
that Shanghai is now China's most modern and westernised city. 是茶使上海成为当今中国最现代最西化的城市
In fact, to the casual glance, 其实乍一看
if it wasn't that I seem to be the only person with highlights, 要不是只有我一人头发比较晃眼
you could be anywhere in the Western world. 还真以为是在西方哪个国家呢
So I just need to track down the tea. 所以我还是只管找茶吧
This is Nanjing Road in Shanghai, 这是上海的南京路
Shanghai's main shopping street. 上海主要的商业街
It's like Oxford Street at Christmas Eve. 感觉像平安夜的牛津街
And one reason it looks like Oxford Street 说它像牛津街的一个原因是
is that all the shops are very familiar. 所有的商店都看着好亲切
But the only thing I've not managed to find so far is a teashop. 但到现在我还没找到的一样东西就是茶馆
I don't feel I've quite plugged into the heart of ancient China. 我觉得自己好像还没触及到古老中国的核心
I'm just taking part in traditional Shanghai life. 我正在体验传统的上海生活
Yes, I'm in Starbucks. 是的我在星巴克
And it's exactly the same as any other Starbucks. 和其他地方的星巴克没两样
It's absolutely heaving. I've been queuing for days. 相当拥挤这几天我都是这么排过来的
With a generation of young people all looking towards the West, 随着年轻人对西方文化的推崇
I guess it's not surprising 我想咖啡代替传统的茶
coffee would be taking over from an old tradition. 已是不足为奇的事
But there is tea running through the heart of Shanghai. 不过上海的核心地带还弥漫着茶香
One of the city's most 秋萍女士开的店
interesting restaurants is Madame Quiping's. 是这座城市最别致的餐馆之一
She not only serves tea, her food is cooked with tea. 她不仅提供茶水还用茶烹饪
For once, as a vegetarian, there's lots for me to choose from. 作为素食者难得有这么多我能吃的菜
And they really make it an event. 它们也确实很别具一格
Oh, my Lord, it's a pagoda. 神哪这不是宝塔吗
Thank you. 谢谢
Minestrone's off 她说蔬菜通心粉汤卖完了
Madame Quiping learnt about tea when she was sent 秋萍女士在文革时被送往一个传统茶叶种植区
to an ancient tea-growing area during the Cultural Revolution. 于是开始接触茶叶
I know she looks like the love child 我知道她长得很像
of Mary Quant and a Bond villain, 玛丽·匡特和007里大反派的私生女
but she's really interesting to talk to. 但和她交谈真的很有趣
She's talking about the health properties of tea. 她在谈茶的营养价值
It's antioxidant, anti-free radical, anti-aging. 它可以抗氧化对抗自由基防衰老
She's saying she's 60 years old 她说她年已花甲
and she doesn't have a single white hair. 却一根白头发都没有


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