

英文 中文
You're having an affair, but even if you have done this 你出轨了但即使你这么做了
I think I still really love you. 我还是非常爱你
I'm not. 我没有
This girl is a fling. You're not. 这女孩只是他一时的放纵你才是真爱
She came into the surgery today and I did some tests. 她今天来看诊我做了一些检查
- Sorry. You're saying I'm...? - Yes. You're pregnant. -抱歉你是说我...-是的你怀孕了
He's just had a hot summer and messed it up. He'll come back. 他就是在火热夏天乱搞了一下他会回来的
When they make a decision on this child, 当他们决定好怎么处理这个孩子时
you'll know. 你就知道了
But two years, 但已经两年了
it says something. 这很说明问题
For two years! 已经两年了
A woman might get the house, the assets, the children, 即使女方可能会得到房子财产孩子
but that doesn't mean that she's won. 但这并不意味女人就赢了
- You said you did a lot of divorce work. - I do. Why? -你说过你处理过很多离婚案件-是的怎么了
I'd like to book an appointment. 我想预约一下
Morning! 早安
Early start for you. 出门真早
Looking good. 打扮得真漂亮
Meeting. 要去开会
Right. 好吧
- I've... - Yeah. -我要...-好
No... 不...
I've got a motorcycle accident 这里发生了一起摩托车事故
just beyond Junction 6 of the... A4220 out of Parminster. 过帕明斯特A4220道上的6号交叉口处
- Is he going to die? - No. -他会死吗-不会的
The rider's male, conscious, 男性驾驶员意识清醒
possible fractured arm. 手臂可能存在骨折
Can you try and stay still for me. 你能尽量保持不动吗
I'm just lifting up your visor, OK? 我要把你的面罩抬起来好吗
No... I'm a doctor, I just happened to be passing. 不是我是名医生我只是刚好路过
He's breathing, alert. 他有呼吸意识清醒
Yes, yes, OK. 是的是的好
Thank you. 谢谢
You seem fine, but I need you to stay absolutely still. 你看着没有大碍但我需要你一动不动
Partly because of the risk of nerve damage, 因为存在神经损伤的风险
also I don't want blood on my shirt 而且我也不希望血迹弄脏我的衬衫
because I've got a really important meeting, is that all right? 因为我要参加一个很重要的会议明白吗
Sorry? 不好意思
What? 你说什么
Jesus! What happened to you? 天哪你怎么了
Traffic. 交通事故
My thoughts keep running over the last two years. 我一直在回想过去两年的日子
Birthdays, holidays. 生日假期
When we've had sex and I've told him that I love him. 当我们做爱的时候我告诉他我爱他
Walking around in the bedroom without any clothes on, 在卧室里一丝不挂地走来走去
thinking he likes what he sees... 以为他喜欢看我这样...
He was lying the whole time. 他一直以来都在撒谎
Sorry, you're a lawyer, 抱歉你是律师
- you don't need to hear this. - It's fine. -没必要听我抱怨这些-没关系
I asked you to bring in details of your finances... 我之前让你把你的财产情况带来
- There. - These are just your current account. -就这些-这些只是你的活期账户
Presumably, there are other savings, investments? 应该还有其他的存款投资吧
- He handles the money, always has done. - Why? -一直都是他在管钱-为什么
He said he was better at it. 他说他更擅长理财
So, you don't know your financial situation at all? 所以你完全不了解你的财产状况吗
No, I suppose... 应该不吧
This project, what's it called? 那个项目叫什么名字
- Academy Green. - And will it pay off? -格林学院-会盈利吗
He says it's doing well. 他说进展很不错
- He "says"... - Sorry. -"他说"-抱歉
This is... 这...
No offence, but I'm not interested. 无意冒犯但我完全不感兴趣
This is really dull. This is not what my life is about. I just... 这实在很无趣我的人生不应专注于这些我...
- I just want to skip to the bit where I move on. - In a divorce, -我只想直接跳到该如何开始新生活-离婚时
he'll officially take 50% of everything. 他有权得到所有财产的一半
Your salary, your savings, your pension. 包括你的工资存款养老金
He cheated. Not me. 是他出轨了又不是我
Doesn't matter. 50% is the default. 无所谓法律规定就是一半
But if you're telling me 但如果你跟我说
he has complete control of your finances, 他有对你的财产拥有完全控制权
he might already have hidden money away in preparation. 他可能预先已经在转移你的钱了
Meaning... you could get even less. 这意味着你拿到的钱会更少
Are you happy with that? 你乐意这样吗
- No, of course not. - Look, -不当然不-听着
by not telling him that you know, 你没有告诉他你已经知道了
you've got an unusual advantage. 这已经为你争得了难得的优势
You can look into this without him suspecting anything. 你可以在不受他怀疑的情况下调查财产状况
So, what do I do? 所以我该怎么做
Depends what you want. 这取决于你要什么
I want my son to stay living in the town where he was born. 我要我儿子能够继续待在他出生的这个镇上
I want to keep the life that I chose, the job that I love. 我要继续按我选择的方式生活做我热爱的工作
My dignity. 我的尊严
My money and my house. 我的钱还有我的房子
Good. Then, in the meantime, 很好那么与此同时
find out what he's planning. 查出他在计划什么
How much money he's got. 他手上有多少资产
And while you do that, play the dutiful wife 当你做这些时演好一个称职的妻子
so he doesn't suspect a thing. 好让他不会起疑
Morning, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. 早上好女士们先生们感谢你们能来
Highbrook has a proud history. 海布瑞克有一段光荣的历史
Generations of children 数代孩童
have been educated here, including myself. 包括我自己都在这里接受过教育
Then, three years ago, 然后三年前
the building was deemed unsuitable. 人们认为学校大楼太过老旧
The school relocated to a purpose-built facility, 学校迁到了专门的建筑中
and now, I'm proud that the Academy Green development 现在我很自豪地宣布格林学院开发项目
will give a new lease of life to this historic site. 将会赋予这片历史悠久之地新的生机
20 luxury flats, right in the heart of town. 在镇子中心地带建二十间豪华公寓
This isn't just a business opportunity for me, 对我而言这不只是个商机
but a way of protecting the legacy of a building I love. 而且是保护我所钟爱的建筑遗产的一种方式
So, I hope you'll all join me for a glass of champagne... 所以我希望大家同我一起喝香槟
Please take a brochure, 拿本宣传册看看
and let's, um... let's move forward! Let's build! Thank you. 让我们携手共进把房子建起来谢谢
- Was that all right? - Yes. -还可以吧-很棒
That'll be you one day, Tom. 有一天站在那儿的将会是你汤姆
- Tom! - It took ages, that one... -汤姆-花了很久...
- Come and look at the model. Anna, Neil, come on. - Yeah. -过来看看模型安娜尼尔快来-好
He's not bad at this, is he? Public speaking. 他挺擅长公众演讲的是吧
He's worried about his suit. 他挺担心他的西装
- Why? - He says he looks like he's selling cars. -为什么-他说他看起来像汽车推销员
Right, yes, I see what you mean! 是啊我懂你的意思
Neil, I wanted to ask, 尼尔我之前就想问问
could we find a moment to go over my accounts? 我们能找个时间查看一下我的账户吗
I've always left it to Simon, 我一直把钱交给赛门管
but I've realised perhaps maybe I should pay more attention. 但我最近意识到或许我该多关注一些
- I thought you could talk me through it. - Sure. -我想你或许能跟我讲讲-没问题
Over dinner maybe. 边吃边谈行吗
Absolutely. 当然可以
And maybe don't mention it to Simon. 别把这事告诉赛门
I wouldn't want him thinking that I don't trust him. 我不想让他觉得我不信任他
Of course.
Just let me know when. 告诉我什么时候就行
Simon's right, this is historic. 赛门说得对这地方具有历史意义
I gave Karl Lucas a hand job against that wall in 1993. 1993年时我就靠着那面墙给卡尔·卢卡斯撸管
And now, they're knocking it down! 现在他们居然要推倒这墙了
There was no internet or mobiles in the early '90s. 九十年代初没有网络也没有手机
So, in a town like this, 所以在这种小镇上
nothing do except each other. 除了鬼混外我们无事可干
Listen... 听着
Kate changed surgery. We got the paperwork through today. 凯特换了家诊所我们今天办好了手续
Makes sense. 有道理
- Still need me tomorrow? - Yes. -还要我明天帮你看着吗-好的
Never been undercover before. It's exciting. 从没做过卧底工作有点小激动呢
- Thanks. - OK. -谢谢-没事
Mum? If you haven't seen the model, you should. 妈妈你看过那模型了吗你应该去看看
- Impressed? - I suppose... -震撼吗-是啊
- Proud of your dad? - A bit, yeah. -为你爸爸骄傲吗-有点
- Thank you. - What for? -谢谢你-谢什么
Everything. 所有事
It's my pleasure. 很荣幸
Simon! 赛门
Sorry, could you just cast your eye over this? 抱歉你能过来看一下吗
I can't do it. 我做不到
She's going to think I'm selling something, or mental. 她会觉得我要去推销东西或是精神不正常
You've moved round the corner, just thought you'd say hello. 你刚刚搬到附近觉得该去打个招呼
People don't do that any more. 人们早就不这么搭讪了
They might if they're pregnant 如果她们怀孕了想找到归属感
and want a sense of the community. 她们就会这么做的
Right, I'll just drop all that into the conversation. 好吧那我等会儿就直接这么说了
Say you're tired, 就说你觉得累了
put your hand on your tummy, and she'll work it out. 把你的手放到肚子上她会懂的
Just... get her to like you. 让她喜欢你就行了
And then tomorrow, come back, get her talking about Simon, 然后明天再过来让她谈谈赛门
divorce, plans, anything. 谈离婚计划什么都行
Worst that can happen, she shuts the door in your face. 最怀情况也不过是她砰的一声关上门
And if she does, I'll still give you the money. 如果她拒绝了我仍然会给你钱
Ok, ok. 好吧好吧
赛门的午餐会上见 太好了到时见 明天约几点
Hi! Um, my name's Carly, 你好我是卡莉
I just moved in round the cor... 我刚搬到附近
Well... and I'm, um... 而且我
- I am, too! - Are you? Congratulations! -我也是-真的吗恭喜你
Well, I'm sorry. I'll leave you in peace. 抱歉打扰我这就离开了
It's nice to meet you though. 但是认识你真好
I will do. Hopefully, I'll see you around or something. 我也是希望能常常遇到你
明天约几点 8点之后我就能走开了
- OK. - Bye. -好-再见
How did you know? 你怎么知道的
We moved here when I was pregnant. 我怀孕的时候我们搬来这里
First thing I did? Made friends. 我做的第一件事就是交朋友
At least, that's what I thought they were. 至少我以前认为他们是朋友
We can stop the current medication, 我们可以停用目前的药物
but in terms of a replacement, it's difficult. 但很难找到替代
Your pain has proven very resistant to treatment. 你的疼痛抗药性很强
From a medical perspective, I would advise we go on as we are. 以医学角度而言我建议继续现在的治疗
But that's not to say 但这不代表
there aren't any practical steps to make you 没有其他可行的方法能让你舒服一些
more comfortable that you could discuss with the staff here. 你可以跟这里的工作人员讨论用什么方法
- We're having those conversations. - Good. Good. -我们已经在讨论这件事了-很好


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