

英文 中文
Has there ever been a drink that's meant more to the British than tea? 对英国人来说有什么饮品比茶更重要吗
Soon as you start work, cup of tea 开始工作时喝一杯茶
and then you have a break, you have a cup of tea... 休息时喝一杯
A good, hot cup of tea worked wonders. 一杯热气腾腾香气四溢的好茶具有奇效
And it doesn't get more English than tea. 没有什么比一杯茶能让你更有英国范儿了
But tea's not English, it's not even British. 但茶不是源自英格兰更非英国
We've seen that we had to travel half way across the globe 我们需要跨越半个地球
to get hold of Camellia sinensis. 才能找到野茶树
We had to wage wars and smuggle drugs, 我们需要发动战争走私毒品
and find a country where we could grow it, 才找到一个能种植它的国家
all for the sake of getting our daily cuppa. 千辛万苦才能得来每天的一杯茶
Probably led us to rule the world. 可能是茶驱使我们征服世界的
Ok! 行了
Now I want to find out why. 现在我要一探缘由究竟
To be without tea was to be without lifeline, you know? 没了茶就像没了生命一样
How has it come to mean so much to us, this little exotic leaf? 这种异国香叶为什么对我们如此重要呢
It can console you, there's the warmth and the ritual 它的温暖与规律性能给人安慰
and you can share it. 而且你也可以与人分享
Tea is a social drink, you make a cup of coffee, 茶是一种社交型饮品你煮"一杯"咖啡


you make a pot of tea. 但要沏"一壶"茶
Why has our nation been so obsessed with tea, for so long? 为什么我们国家对茶的迷恋如此久远
One day I decided to try to have a complete day without tea. 有一天我决定开启"无茶模式"
I was quite shaken, I was quite disturbed. 我变得焦躁不安坐立不宁
And why can nobody else in the world make tea properly? 为什么其他国家的人都不能正确地泡茶
Have you tasted the tea in America? 你尝过美国的茶吗
Terrible! 太糟了
What I'm trying to find out is 我想探寻的是
why we in particular have such a bizarre relationship with it? 为什么我们英国人对茶有一种特殊的情结呢
Why do we feel the need to advertise it with chimps in bowler hats, 为什么我们会用戴礼帽的黑猩猩给茶做广告
use the dregs to read fortunes 用泡过的茶叶来占卜吉凶呢
and why do we have this persistent belief 为什么我们坚定地相信
that it was the tea leaf that won us the war? 是茶叶让我们赢得了战争
Anyway, come with me, people, and we'll find out. 所以跟我来吧我们会找到答案的
We think of ourselves as a nation of tea drinkers, 我们自认为是品茶之国
I bought some Jubilee kitchen roll last year - 我在去年买了一大包厨房卷纸
if I'd bought it this year it would have been cheaper - 虽然今年买能更便宜点
and the symbols on it were a union flag, a crown, 上面的标志是一面英国国旗一座王冠
an umbrella and a tea pot. 一把伞和一个茶壶
And my quest with this programme is to find out how British people 我在这个节目中要寻求的是
really feel about tea and get them to articulate it 英国人对茶的真实感受让他们真情流露
but it's very difficult - it's like asking people 但这很难就像问别人
what they feel about the back of their neck or their mattress. 对他们的颈背和床垫的看法一样
I mean, I do know we love tea, we love it, 我知道我们确实喜爱茶超爱的
it's just that we're never going to be able, really, 只是我们从来都没有机会
to look tea in the face and say so. 认真面对并坦诚自己对茶的感情
Like a reliable dull old partner, 茶像一个可靠又呆板的老搭档一样
tea is always there, hovering in the background. 总是伴随我们左右
Tea helps any social occasion, 茶可以在社交场合起到很大作用
like my date with reclusive and seldom seen Graham Norton. 比如我与已经隐居的格雷厄姆·诺顿的会面
格雷厄姆·诺顿演员 英国脱口秀《格雷厄姆诺顿秀》主持人
That's it, put the kettle on. 这就行了烧水吧
- And Betty's not wrong. - No. -贝蒂说得对-对啊
Put the kettle on. Solves all. 烧壶水吧就解决一切问题了
A nice cup of tea. 喝杯好茶吧
- See a nice cup of tea. - There we are. -看啊让她喝杯好茶-就是啊
It's never just a cup of tea, it's a "nice" cup of tea. 不只是一杯茶是一杯"好"茶啊
A nice cup of tea, I know. 是好茶我知道
I don't know why it is a nice cup of tea, 我不知道为何大家都说"一杯好茶"
we all keep saying that. 就好像是约定俗成的


I suppose a "nice" cup of tea gives you that warm... 我觉得加个"好"字会给人温暖的感觉
It's not just a drink. 就不只是一种饮品了
It's a warm thing you have made them. 给它赋予了一种温暖的含义
Yes, you've made them a warm thing. 是的就是这样
Cos we are not good at talking in this country. 因为我们国家的人不很健谈
- Perhaps it's a substitute? - Yes. -可能茶能打开话匣子-是的
For therapy! 用来治疗"不健谈病"
Tea is a social drink because coffee, it seems to me, 茶是一种社交型饮品因为我觉得
you make a cup of coffee, you make a POT of tea. 你煮"一杯"咖啡但要沏"一壶"茶
- Yeah, yeah, good point. - It's a gathering. -说得好-聚会时候大多喝茶
- My mother takes it this seriously. - Does she? -我妈妈很看重茶-是嘛
Yeah, like when we go on holiday, 比如度假的时候
it's all she can talk about, the whole holiday. 她在整个假期都在说这些
Whether she is going to get a cup of tea or not? 不管她要不要喝茶吗
- And what it will be like. - Well, it'll be rubbish, we know that! -想想会是什么样子-都是废话我们懂
Me and my aunt Christine took her on a cruise 我和我克里斯汀阿姨带我妈去坐船游览
and that was their holiday, essentially, 本来是她们两个在度假
was ordering tea and then complaining about the tea 当时点了那里本来就不怎么样的茶
that you knew you wouldn't like. 后来就开始抱怨
No, you're not going to like it, no. 对那茶的确不怎么样
Then they found some Russian waiter 后来她们找到了俄罗斯服务员
who knew how to boil the water properly - they loved him. 他知道怎么烧水她俩爱死他了
They drink tea in Russia, you see. 因为俄罗斯人也喝茶是吧
They would hunt him down like a dog! 真是对他穷追到底
"There he is! There he is!" They would get this nice tea! "他在那他在那"她们一定要喝上好茶
Anyway, if you were me and you were making a programme, 如果你是我的话你在做这个节目
a documentary about tea, where would you go? 做一部有关茶的纪录片你会去哪里
Erm, probably Harrogate. 可能去哈罗盖特吧[英格兰北部约克郡城镇]
I'm sorry, that was a set up question and answer - 抱歉这是个设计好的问答
I needed someone to say Harrogate 我需要有人说哈罗盖特
and Graham was there. 格雷厄姆恰好能当托儿
Don't blame Graham. 别怪他
Drinking tea, looking out the window, 喝喝茶看看窗外风景
there's a whole gamut of actions happening here. 在这儿仅仅如此就很完美了
But as exciting as it is, looking out on to a Yorkshire pavement, 尽管看约克郡的街道风景很激动人心
I'm on a fearless fact finding flipping mission - 但我身上还肩负着一项寻找的使命
what makes a good cup of tea? 好茶是怎样煮成的
Suzy Garragher knows. 苏西·格勒赫尔知道答案
She's a tea taster for Taylor's of Yorkshire. 她是约克郡泰勒店的品茶师
She's one of around 80 tea tasters in Britain. 她是全英仅有的八十位品茶师中的一员
Thick, 4.3. 有点浓4.3级
You'd think slurping and spitting would come easily to a comedian 你可能觉得一吸一吐都很简单
not so. 但其实不是这样
I think you suck it in, sort of, behind your teeth, 我觉得应该有点要吸到牙齿后面去
so teeth forward and suck it behind your teeth. 所以先在牙齿前面 然后吸到牙齿后面去
Better! 好多了
I don't know, something is inhibiting me. 好像被挡住了
I'm not doing... I'm stopping 75% of the way through. 大概75%的茶水被挡住了
Very good, much better. 很好好多了
Obviously, the thing is to stand on your tiptoes, 看来要学会这个得踮脚才行
that's the deciding factor! 这才是决定性因素
The slurping is to get the tea round all the different parts 吸入茶水是为了使其浸到舌头上各处
of the tongue and the spitting out, that's obvious - 吐出茶水的意图很明显
if you drank all that tea all day you'd never be there. 你要是每一口都喝进去肯定会撑爆的
- You are a heck of a spitter! - Not the most glamorous job, I know. -你真会吐-我知道这动作不美观
There's a whole tea tasting vocabulary, just like in comedy, 有很多形容茶的味道的词汇比如喜剧中
they have descriptions like, "malty, brisk, kelpy," 用"逗有趣和搞笑"来形容好笑
whereas in comedy we have, "not funny." 反之用"无聊"形容不好笑一样
That was a good slurp! 吸得真不错
I would call that bouncy. 我感觉是很Q
Bouncy, that is a new tea terminology, great. 很Q算是个新的品茶术语不错
Suzy has to be able to accurately describe each flavour. 苏西能精确地分辨每种味道
So Assam - nice, thick guttiness, it's a really good description. "美妙强势"对阿萨姆奶茶来说是个不错的描述
I like that - gutty teas. 我很喜欢"强势的茶"
It means it's thick, it's rich, it gives you a bit of a kick. 意思就是味道丰厚饱满让味蕾为之一振
The tea most of us drink in the UK 大多数英国人喝的茶
is a blend of tea from lots of different teas, 都来自不同地区和国家
from lots of different countries - Kenya, India - 比如肯尼亚印度
and it's Suzy's job to choose from all those different flavours, 每季收获的茶叶味道都会有些许不同
which vary from harvest to harvest, 苏西的工作就是对其进行挑选
so each new blend gives us the old taste we expect. 使新茶也能让人们品尝到与以往相似的回味
Tea is indigenous to China 中国是茶叶的故乡
but it now grows in over 40 different countries 但现在有40多个国家都在种植
and that's great for us cos all those different countries 这很棒因为那些不同的国家
have different qualities that we blend together. 能产出可供混合的不同品质茶叶
All the tea Suzy tastes will be made from 苏西品尝的所有茶
a standardised ratio of tea to water and milk - 都由标准配比的水和牛奶泡制而成
we don't need to bother with that in our homes 我们自己在家沏茶的时候不用操心这个
or even get dressed, but she does have one handy tip. 也不用穿特殊服装但她给出了一个小贴士
Freshly boiled water, and this is really important 当你在家沏茶时要用新煮开的水
for when you are drinking tea at home as well, 这一点十分重要
because freshly boiled water 因为新烧开的水中
has the right amount of oxygen in the water. 有适量的含氧量
- If you over boil the water... - Got no oxygen. -如果水被煮了太久-就没有氧气了
Exactly, and you are going to get a really flat tasting cup of tea. 对这样煮出的茶就会口感太过平淡
And you will never be happy in your whole life. 口感不好整个人生都不幸福了
- Because happiness is good tea. - Absolutely. -因为好茶能带给人快乐啊-那肯定的
Look, I'm not a good slurper, can we just leave it there? 我不适合干这工作咱们能走吗
Let's get to grips with the history. 咱们来学点历史吧
It's very rare in this country for a fashion to 我们国家很少出现
start with the lower classes and work its way up. 自下而上流行的风潮
In fact, I can only think of tracksuit bottoms 我能想得出的只有运动长裤
and Call The Midwife, and tea started at the top. 《呼叫助产士》而茶的流行是自上而下的
《呼叫助产士》 BBC1台近十年来收视最高的新剧 英国版屌丝女士米兰达也有参演哦>3<
It took a posh foreigner to kick off the whole addiction. 这个风潮是由一个时髦的外国人带来的
It was Catherine De Braganza who came over from Portugal 葡萄牙的凯特琳娜公主于1662年
in 1662 to marry Charles II. 嫁给查理二世
She already had the tea-drinking habit, 她当时已经就有喝茶的习惯了
she brought with her a tea caddy 她自己带了一个茶叶盒
and instantly tea was all the go with upper classes. 之后喝茶风潮立即席卷整个上层社会
We're very free and easy with tea now, any old pleb can drink it, 现在喝茶很平民化普通百姓也能喝茶


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