绪论 [if !supportLists]1.[endif]即使所谓的“好学生”也并不总能深刻理解教师传授的知识,尽管他们在传统评价方式(课程分数和累计平均分积点)中取得了优...
绪论 [if !supportLists]1.[endif]即使所谓的“好学生”也并不总能深刻理解教师传授的知识,尽管他们在传统评价方式(课程分数和累计平均分积点)中取得了优...
He does not know what to expect, handing over this.extremely sensitive information to a...
很巧的是前天买的书今天到货了~ 十月想读这几本书 《知晓我姓名》 《城中城》 《渺小一生》 加油(^ω^)
1. 我们的社会将愈来愈沉迷于教育的外部价值——包括那无情而又愚蠢的标准化测试——我深感其对教育的冲击。教育将更加痴迷于外在的价值,从而挤掉支持教师和学生内在生命价值所需的空...
1. 最近有人问我正在写些什么,我回答道,“一本关于美国社会等级的书。”这时,人们总是会先紧一紧自己的领带,然后偷偷瞥一眼袖口,看看那儿的磨损程度,几分钟之后,他们便会悄悄站...
She chews on the inside of her cheek until the pain begins to settle her nerves and she...
1. The church in town was small, smelling of rain and incense, with stained-glass panel...
1. Connell pours a splash of milk in his coffee, letting the colour come up to the surf...
1. When the weather is good, the sky feels miles away, and birds wheel through limitles...
They kept holding hands underneath the quilt, even after they went to sleep. The window...
1. She looks up from her cigarette, mid-sentence. She's wearing a courduroy jacket orve...
1. The flat has some problems with damp and often gets so cold at night that Connell ca...
1. In the morning she opens the laptop on the opposite pillow and waits for her eyes to...
1. Connell resists the impulse to take his phone from his pocket and check the time. 2....
(因为提前看了这部剧,所以小说读起来很顺,而且这本小说的描写真的很细腻~) 1. a sense that anything unsaid is an unwelcome i...
1. It is one of the secrets in that change of mental poise which has been fitly named c...
有时他发现自己怨恨别人对他的定义,总是被简化且多年来从未被改变:他以前是、永远是虎德馆八号套房的威廉,数学很烂,但女人缘很好,简单,容易被理解,迅速两笔就能画出形象。 他本来...
1. 其实他很愿意谈裘德,也知道什么可以说、什么不能说,还有可以带他回答什么,但他不喜欢别人问裘德时那种狡猾、机密的口吻,好像可以哄他说出裘德自己不会讲的事情。 2. 在现实...
1. 你现在不会了解我的意思,但有一天你会懂的。我想友谊的唯一诀窍,就是找到比你更好的人——不是更聪明、更酷的人,而是更善良、更慷慨,也更宽容的人——然后为他们能教你的一切而...