如何构建良好的家文化?父母应该努力给孩子营造一个友善、和谐的充满爱的成长氛围,在这种环境中长大的孩子会更懂爱,也能培养较好的学习,工作品德,实现更好的人生价值。 有人说:“家...
如何构建良好的家文化?父母应该努力给孩子营造一个友善、和谐的充满爱的成长氛围,在这种环境中长大的孩子会更懂爱,也能培养较好的学习,工作品德,实现更好的人生价值。 有人说:“家...
Confucius remarked,"Possession of power without generosity; courtesy without seriousnes...
Confucius remarked,"The first ballad in the Book of Ballads and Songs expresses the emo...
The reigning prince of Confucius' native State asked Confucius how a prince should trea...
Confucius remarked,"I do not know how men get along without good faith. A cart without ...
Somebody asked Confucius, saying,"Why are you not taking part in the government of the ...
A disciple asked Confucius for the meaning of the following verse: Her coquettish smile...
A disciple asked what constituted the fundamental principle of art. "That is a very gre...
A disciple asked what constituted the fundamental principle of art. "That is a very gre...
Confucius said to a disciple,"Shall I teach you what is understanding? To know what it ...
Confucius remarked," Study without thinking is labour lost. Thinking without study is p...
Confucius remarked," A wise man is impartial, not neutral. A fool is neutral but not im...
A discipleenquired what constituted a wise and good man. Confucius answered,"Awise and ...
Confucius remarked,"A wise man will not make himself into a mere machine fit only to do...
Confucius remarked," If a man will constantly go over what he has acquired and keep con...
Confucius remarked," you look at how a man acts;consider his motives; find out his tast...
Confucius,speaking of a favourite disciple whose name was Yen Hui, remarked,"I have tal...
A disciple of Confucius asked him the same question as the above. Confucius answered,"T...
Confucius remarked, "At fifteen I had made up my mind to give myself up to serious stud...