I enjoy playing and doing things I love rather than studying. Of course, who doesn’t? B...
I enjoy playing and doing things I love rather than studying. Of course, who doesn’t? B...
What is a true friend? A true friend is someone who sticks by your side, no matter what...
What comes to mind when you hear the words, “role model?” Do you go whoosh, zoom! I wis...
The Power of Role Model What comes to mind when you hear the words, “role model?” Do yo...
They could never have seen the outcome when they started. Aurora put her hands over her...
How could I have turned into a frog? It’s IMPOSSIBLE! No way could this have happened! ...
She had never seen the sky that color before. Moon gazed up at the crystal blue skies. ...
《时间的皱纹》是美国作家L'Engle的一部小说。 1962年首次出版,该书获得纽伯瑞奖。 主要人物: Meg、Charles Wallace 和 Calvin O'Keef...
I wish more people knew that African forest elephants are now critically endangered mai...
First Snow On Sunday morning, I went downstairs. I settled down on my comfy sofa and cu...
A Spooky Story Nov 23 One spooky Halloween evening, three friends were traveling to a v...
Hello Universe 你好,宇宙 先来说说故事内容: 第一主人公:Virgil 是一个害羞而善良的人,家里给他起了一个外号叫“ Turtle”, 他不敢直视欺负他的同...
Walk Two Moons 也许你看到这个题目会觉得很奇怪:Walk two moons,走过两个月亮?这是什么意思呢?带着这个疑问翻开这本纽伯瑞金奖作品,来看看这到底是怎...
Jean Craighead George是一位热爱自然, 以写作自然故事为主的美国著名儿童文学作家。《My Side of the Mountain》中文名字叫《 山居岁月...
The Cricket in Times Square One day, I read a book called” The Cricket in Times Square”...
读完 The Cricket in Times Square 之后我鼓励女儿续写了这个故事,这是分三次写完的,黄色是跟她讨论完之后的修改成果。
《亲爱的汉修先生》这是一本获得纽伯瑞儿童文学奖金奖。 此书已日记+书信的别致方式呈现普通孩子的自我成长故事。 先来说说这个作者Beverly Cleary,大家对她肯定不陌生...